The Wallworks

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Time Has Come

It's high time to make this huge jump into the blogsphere with both feet.  Today was a wonderful day filled with the usual; laughter, eating, homework, baking and being together as a family.

The laughter came in the form of Ethan crying at bedtime because he has to sleep alone.  He feels his sisters are having a slumber party every night and poor him that he has a room to himself.

The eating came in the form of  pumpkin pancakes for breakfast, salad for lunch and spaghetti/ spaghetti squash with meat sauce for dinner with the most delicious watermelon and raspberries thrown in throughout the day.

Homework- helping Emry with Math for a good hour.  Reading for another hour- my favorite thing to do with the children. 

Baking was required as I had some buttermilk in the Fridge (obviously buttermilk in the fridge = something delicious must be made.  This actually works well for many, many ingredients.....)  I decided some Chocolate Cupcakes were just the thing to put it to good use.  Glad I did as Emry proclaimed them "Heaven". 

Don't want to overdo it on my first post.  So there it is.


  1. Hi Marie,

    I have high hopes for this blog! As you are a great mom, a great woman and a great cook/baker I look forward for the things to come. Good luck and so far so good.

    Love to you always,


  2. Awww, wish I was with you guys!!! Seems like your always haveing sooo much fun!!!! Love and miss you and look forward to reading your blog!!!

  3. Ooohhhhhh, the labor day party! How fun. I remember our fun we had a few years back on Opus Court! I was studying French on Labor was so much fun. :) I love the blog-the swimming pictures are great. But of course my favorite picture is of the rolls-can't you put baked goods in the mail?
    Love you,


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