The Wallworks

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Water Babies

 Just a typical Saturday flipping through the air with all the crazies.  Our city pool (not to be confused with our neighborhood pool, because every SoCal resident needs access to a variety of pools and beaches) is awesome. Being that there was a slight wind factor, I guess it was technically classified as "fall weather" and kept everyone home that couldn't brave weather below 90 degrees.  The pool was practically empty, but this is what the lifeguards saw....................

Yes, we pretty much live in our swimsuits.  The best picture (the one I erased) was Ethan doing push-ups before every turn on the diving board.  When it was his turn he would climb the few steps, wait for every one to watch and proceed to bust out about 5 or 6 push-ups, hysterical & sadly- typical.

After watching Glenn do so many amazing dives I got to thinking about computers, haircuts, woodworking,  all sports, along with a whole list of other things and realized there's pretty much nothing he can't do.

Well, maybe not this............................

This is where I come in.  Good thing a way to Glenn's heart really is through his stomach.  His mother taught him well.

1 comment:

  1. Buzzy, I love reading your blog!!! Its fun to see the pictures and here about the days you have with your kids!!!


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