The Wallworks

Sunday, January 23, 2011

No Air

Because of my kids school schedule I rarely run during the week.  Add in some busy (read lazy) weekends and bam, it's been 2 weeks. Yikes!  Some days I do 20 minute shred plus 25 min. on the stairmaster.  Sometimes just the stairmaster.  Sometimes a long walk with Brutus.  The point is I should still be in shape right. Right? 

 I ran 6 miles the other day and you would have thought it was my first time running.  Do I get no credit for the past 25 years!!  My throat was hot, my lungs couldn't get enough air, my legs were heavy.  I thought my time would be horrible but surprisingly even with 3 walking breaks and about 1/3 of my route steep hills I still finished in 55 minutes. 

And yes I bring 2 i-pods with me when I run.  Glenn has told me a million times how to tell if it is charged, but my mind repels any technical information.  I must cover my bases because music gives me what apparently years of experience doesn't.............endurance.


  1. I just started running again, not close to six miles yet..or ever. But I too had some burning when I ran four the other day. My husband says it's our awesome CA smog. :)

  2. Two iPods? You are too funny! But I agree - I can't run (if you can call my meager attempts "running") without music. By the way, the GREEN dot means lots of juice!


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