The Wallworks

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hot Chocolate Bread

When I was talking about my passion for granola and caramel corn recently I knew there was something I was leaving off the list.  I am also a connoisseur of Hot Chocolate.  Self appointed obviously.  I think Ethan has had a mug (sippy cup) of hot chocolate (we say hot choc, you know, since we say it so often and are good at coming up with cool slang) every night since he was 1 year old.

So any cake, muffins or bread that promises to be anything like hot chocolate, I am a sucker for. I saw this recipe on Abby Sweets blog the other day and knew Ethan would love it.  It has marshmallows in it, enough said.

I opted to make 6 mini loaves instead of 1 big one.  5 are gone.  What can I say, we are still in Valentines mode.  Next time I would  decrease the sugar by 1/2 cup and add chocolate chips and toasted pecans to this bread for some added texture.  The regular amount of sugar plus chocolate chips would be too sweet, basically cake, but denser.

For the past 5 years Ethan has been strictly an Ovaltine and Nestle Quik guy.  If I ever substituted he would know immediately and not drink it.  Just this week though he asked for the salted hot chocolate.  What???  I couldn't help but be a little proud.

1 comment:

  1. Mmm and it has cream cheese in it- so it has to be good! My boys LOVE chocolate too! Oh and I bought some of that salty caramel hot choc at Cost Plus on your recommendation, love it! Thanks!


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