The Wallworks

Monday, July 11, 2011

Happy Hollow & today

Backtracking to San Jose again.  Between doing a ton of fun activities and being slow at blogging, I am attempting to blog in the past and present simultaneously.

I can be as corny and cliche as it gets.  Honestly nothing makes me happier than watching my kids explore, experience and just have one heck of a good time.  Bonus if they can do it while getting along.

Shauna nursing baby Summer while keeping an eye on her other 5.  

Happy Hollow is a small amusement park located near downtown San Jose.  I went there a few times as a kid and it was fun to go with Shauna and her brood and just have a relaxing day playing with the kids.

Ethan is in the red shirt near the back of the roller coaster.  This was for sure his favorite ride.  It went really fast but didn't do anything crazy, he felt so big and brave riding this coaster.  The way this little ride section is set up Shauna and I could just hang out in the shade and watch the kids be so big and go from ride to ride all by themselves, so cute.

Lila is my most timid child and then Ethan.  Emry doesn't have a fearful bone in her body.  As soon as she was tall enough to ride roller coasters she wanted to go on the steepest, fastest, scariest one with the most twists, turns, loops and danger!  Preferably 10x in a row.

Emry with baby Summer in tow, Lila, Gwyneth, & in the front row, Raith, Georgia, Ethan and Reece.  Off camera are myself, Shauna and 2 yr. old Shane.

Ethan and his cousin Raith.

 Lila and Gwyneth.

 These pictures were taken at the Japanese gardens connected to Happy Hollow.  So beautiful.  I would play on that same bridge as a kid.

And in real time.  In honor of it being the 11th day of the 7th month,  7-11 is giving out free Slurpees to all.  

This is Southern California.  Going anywhere in your bathing suit is perfectly acceptable.


  1. Oh my gosh what a post full of happy faces!
    I'm a mom too but only have is 17 and one is 3.

    Looks like you are super busy and happy!

  2. love your last statement!! gotta love so cal!!


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