The Wallworks

Friday, November 18, 2011

Text Book

I look normal right?  I drive a minivan & watch Modern family.  Do 10 push ups and call it a day, love Ne-Yo and steal my kids good Halloween candy.   I make my husband deal with all the car problems and truly believe my kids will continue to love and trust me through their teenage years.  Just another typical mom.

What's abnormal is I do not now, nor have I ever owned a cell phone.

I've always said the only people that need to get a hold of me are my kids, and I am always with them.  As for my husband, he knows if he needed to he could track me down in under 20 minutes because I am either: at home, the library, Walmart, Costco or the park.  Not ideal for him, but he's only had to do it once because he had the afternoon free and wanted to take us all to the beach (like I said, an emergency).

I kind of joke but there is some truth when I say 'no one really needs to get a hold of me, I am not that important'.  As a human being and a Child of God I absolutely feel I have great worth, but in the day to day scheme of my life no one really needs me enough for me to justify spending the money on one.  Besides, I barely answer my home phone.

I have a  love/hate relationship with technology.  I love blogs.  Writing and reading them and the information that can be gained.  I love being able to Google any and every question my kids come to me with from their homework.  I love Allrecipes and never having to scour another cookbook.  I love having a dish and being able to type the ingredients into google and come up with the recipe within a minute.  As of today I love online shopping because I ordered a bathing suit from Nordstroms (my small town selection leaves something to be desired).  It's great, it's wonderful.  But sometimes, sometimes I hate it.

It makes me sad seeing two teenagers walking together but not talking because each is plugged in to their phone or ipod.  I find it downright rude when you are talking to someone and they are nodding their head while checking texts.  It's discouraging when kids don't know how to make their own fun because they are so used to the stimulation from video games that go with them everywhere because heaven forbid their parents might have to entertain them for a minute (run-on sentences, also discouraging).

The worst is when kids and are horrified at what I would do in an emergency.  These kids definition of an emergency is what really gets me.  They can't fathom how I would get out of a 'deathly' situation like my car breaking down.  Luckily I have a good car.  Also luckily I have two legs and could walk a few blocks, or even 20 miles if I had to.  And if my kids are with me?  Luckily they too were born with strong legs.

I've never text or tweeted.  I've never had the opportunity to lose a charger or have my kids drop my cell in the toilet.  I am a Facebook dropout.  Writing this blog is a miracle.

The truth is Technology scares me.  I am not good at it and it's overwhelming.  When everyone else was familiarizing themselves with the computer I was reading and playing with 1, then 2, then 3 little babies.  When they were all in school I started this blog.  I am totally late to this party, I am fully aware of that.

My life is simple verging on boring.  Boring people don't need cell phones because they're home grinding wheat and baking bread.  They're scouring the Goodwill for Berenstain Bears books.  They're wondering what Pinterest is and why everyone is talking about it.  They're organizing their kid's bookshelf stopping to play with the Legos for a few minutes.

They're making sure they have a few quarters in their wallet in case they happen to have a real emergency.

They're also hoping  pay phones still exist.


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog:) I also love and hate technology. Allrecipes - love. Google - love. But the dependence my kids have on communicating online vs. in person - hate. I can't imagine life without my cell phone anymore. If I forget to take it with me, I feel naked. But, mine is pretty much just a phone and a calendar, no fancy stuff.

  2. sometimes i wish i didn't have a cell really does get in the way!

    i love your braided hair...very lovely.


  3. Great post! I think technology is wonderful, kind of like chocolate, though in moderation. I'm sure I overdo on both! I don't use my cell phone a ton, but I like having it. It has come in handy many times! But I don't think you're missing out by being late to the party...or never attending. :)

  4. Good for you. Cell phones are the bane of humanity (along with greed, hate, etc). Your hair is lookin' rockin' in that photo. A very cute doo, by the way.

  5. I LOVE that you don't have a cell phone! As a teacher, cell phones have been such an issue in my life. You wouldn't believe how essential kids think they are to life, and what a problem they cause in schools. I'm honestly SO glad that the technology didn't exist when I was in school (well, it did, but they were huge "Zack Morris" phones back then.).

  6. You're better than normal! Having a cell phone isn't everything, but for me, it's become a habit from my University days. When you have roomates, you don't always get your messages, and when you work a few part-time jobs while in school, even if someone takes a message, you aren't around to check it. Since a lot of those messages were work - pick up a shift, please come earlier/later - I needed to check in during the day. When I got my own place, the cell came with me and it was actually cheaper to have a cell than a landline. I only got a landline a few months ago in case we ever get a babysitter and her cell phone dies (from texting nonstop).

    I agree people are WAY too plugged in these days and need to learn how to have a regular conversation, use proper punctuation (though I'm guilty of run-on sentences too as this comment attests) and enjoy the moment rather than be making new plans while out with family or friends. We live in times of instant gratification so if you can opt out of some technology, good for you! I also don't know or care about Pinterest (I have no time to log in to another site). I would rather make my own crafts, do crafts with my kids, bake, go for a walk, anything but sign up for another hour on the computer.

    Enjoy REAL life! It sounds like you truly are. : ) Love your hair by the way!!

  7. I admire your cell-phone-less-ness! I was given an iphone for work, and I hate it. I do like having a cellphone, but I hate having the constant access to internet/texting/e-mail/etc. There's no getting away! My favorite weekends are ones where I know nobody needs to contact me or that I'm just going to be a hermit and I can turn the evil sucker off for a day or two. So yeah, kudos to you and just keep on being phone free!

  8. I sometimes wonder what my life would be like if technology wasn't involved. I have a cell phone, iPod, iPad, and of course my laptop. Tech is a major part of my life and my kids are developing a love for it as well.

  9. I have a cell phone, and have since my 16th birthday. I will admit that it goes in a bowl on our sofa table when i get home, and i forget about it until I realize i have to call to see if I have appointments, or i forget to put it on silent and someone remembers me. I completely agree with the sadness over people's addiction to it. This past Easter was the first time my husband came to a family holiday with me (yes, 7 years later :) ) and my cousins who are in their mid/late 20's played scrabble on their iphones the entire time... with each other... in the same room. Pathetic. :)

  10. I have no problem with adults and cell phones, they are necessary to our jobs today (well not mine). I guess it's the young ones who feel so utterly important that life would stop if all their peeps couldn't reach them. They just need some cell phone etiquette. And the games, AHHHHH, there are real people here!!!

    Also, I don't want boys texting and calling my girls. If they want to talk to them they can call Glenn and ask to speak to Emry or Lila (like in the olden days). Boys have it way too easy now. I know it will be a foreign concept having to talk to an adult to talk to their daughter. I am sure it will scare all those wimpy boys away which is fine by me.

  11. Marie, just remember when the kids start asking for phones and texting-tell them to call the Klippel's because they won't have them either!!!! Hahahahaha.

    But, it's good for you to do blogging and use technology to a degree because in my opinion the kids need to see that your not afraid of it and that "by golly" you can figure anything out that they can. That is so that they cannot "pull the wool over your eyes." Love you, Shauna :)

  12. Too late Shauna they already know they can. Good thing Glenn is super duper handy and can navigate a computer like a pro.

    I am not even going to play like I can do whatever they can, Even Ethan can out maneuver me. I just hope they take pity on me and aren't embarrassed by my Jurassic ways.

  13. It's a miracle that I have a blog,too, Marie! I have a cell phone and tend to check things on it too much. Sometimes I think I wish Ididn't have it. My favorite is seeing a booth of 4 people at a diner and they're all on their phones talking to OTHER people! Amazing!

  14. Okay, I am part way with you on technology, while I have never tweeted, I do text - its usually the only way I can communicate with my 19 year old daughter these days. :D

    And I too am lucky that I get a blog post up :D

    Enjoy your Friday! I am still at work . . . poo - waiting for my damn boss to give me the next document to work on - I should be home watching Wheel of Fortune and sipping wine by now!

  15. I too wonder what the world is pininterest..and I don't tweet. However, I DO own a old fashioned one, enough for emergency calls. haha.. :)

  16. Wow, I didn't even see this post. We are very similar except I do own a cell phone though no one ever calls me except my husband. It's so annoying to see how oblivious to people are to their surroundings because of their I-pod or cell phone. I have to say I am happy you blog! :)

  17. PS, that braid in your hair is so cute! You look beautiful.

  18. While I admire your unpluggedness, I couldn't do it! When I visited my sister earlier this year my brother-in-law took a poll of how many electronic devices I had with me. Counting my two cameras, it was something like 7 different things. But I totally agree about the adult vs. kid thing with the devices. In my experiences cell phones have facilitated a lot more trouble with Megan and Kate. And if I need you, I'll drive over to your house! Actually, I need to walk Zoey over one of these days!!

  19. I love all the comments to your post Marie, I also love your comments on technology. This is Al, by the way, I started to read your blog regularly, truly enjoying it. I guess I can be considered a person that is attached to technology and how it facilitates my life. However, I guess my life is different. I always feel like I have to be connected to people. I absolutely love texting, small parts of conversation and information without all the fluff. I love my kids having cell phones because I can reach them and talk to them where ever they're at. When they leave I make sure that their cell phones are charged and with them. My son loves video games, Ezra, the new x-box game came out and we were first in line. He also runs Cross Country, Track, Marching Band and Symphonic Band. In the summer he gets up at 6:30 in the morning on his own and runs 6 to 8 miles and gym time. No one knows your kids like yourself, no one knows your life, like yourself. I guess when it comes to technology in my life and my families life I'm okay with it but I also am sensitive enough to see that in many cases not technology is the problem but the parents monitoring technology that is at fault. Many run on sentences, I know,
    since everyone is saying it I will to," I love your hair". Get a cell phone so we can

  20. P.S. Good luck finding a pay phone! They are pretty much non-existent these days.

  21. You're such a follower Al, but I'll take the compliment anyway :D (I just learned how to do that smiley face, impressive right?) You know me, in order to have strong views I have to respect others opinions as well

    I completely understand why people give out cell phones like candy, they want to keep tabs on their kids which is a very good thing.

    I am just an old fashioned out of it mom who's not sure I could trust my kids with that kind of freedom, having the world at their fingertips.

    My discomfort comes from not being able to navigate it myself. Fear is a powerful motivator and technology is definitely something I don't have a firm (or even flimsy) grasp on.

    It all comes down to this. It's great! But it bugs be to death sometimes.

    On a field trip a month ago this dad was on his phone constantly. Put it away only to whip it out not 20 seconds later. It's like he just couldn't be without it. How about paying attention to your kid who's next to you?

    You know who bugs me the most? My stinkin kids. They constantly want to mess with Glenn's phone. They're probably the one's who started this loathing. It's pretty safe to blame everything that ails me on them.

  22. 10 pushups a day? I can't even do one and I wish I was kidding about that.

    I have to have a cell phone...even if I didn't want one my husband would make sure I had one. He gives them to me as "gifts" so that I keep abreast of the latest technology and so I don't embarrass him.

    The things I do for my marriage!

  23. Okay, after reading your post, This is Al, and commenting on your post I did a small experiment. I watched my family to see what we did for the weekend without me saying anything. I did not tell them when to get up, go to sleep, what to do, I just let them entertain themselves. I got up for church got my self dressed and 20 minutes till church started as I was getting ready to drive myself to church Margo asked for my help. I reluctantly agreed, I said to them who ever is late to church will have every electronic piece of equipment taken away from them and you will be grounded for a week. I turned around and left for church. They were on time, I don't know how. Thank you Marie for your post I realized that I have to monitor my kids a lot more than I thought I was doing. Including my self. As I type I have ESPN soccer finals in the background my cell phone on my side cause Andrew keeps texting me and I'm writing this post....I'm in trouble, HELP P.S. My nephew and nieces are wonderful kids and you have done wonders with them, I believe when they are ready for technology they will use it wisely.

  24. I have to have my cell phone and my laptop. I feel I wouldn't survive without one. Force of habit I suppose. But then I completely contradict myself everytime I visit my in laws in their remote village. I have no access to cell phones or laptops and electricity is quite a luxury. Under such circumstances,I completely disconnect with the tech world out there and learn to relax and busy myself with the chores. From this, I realized, it is absolutely possible for me to connect and disconnect at will. That cognizance makes me happy.

  25. Hi Marie!
    I thought I was the only one who hated the whole cell phone thing. I didn't get one until I had a child. Then I caved and bought one of those Virgin Mobile pay by the minute phones. Which I keep OFF in my purse. It is only for emergencies, and I only turn it on if I am not with my son, which is rare. It is a nice way to always have a way to reach someone in case of emergency, without being tethered to technology or a pricey contract. The best of both worlds...because really..when is the last time you saw a working payphone?? :)


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