The Wallworks

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Whole Wheat Pumpkin Biscotti

In between the first and second baking of these wonderfully delicious Biscotti (I used 2cups whole wheat, 1/2 cup white) I had to run down to the elementary school to take care of some business.  And by business I mean making sure some 2nd graders stop stealing the handball from Ethan.

He came home yesterday and said he 'felt like crying' because if he returns the ball to the noon duty he gets a panther pat (which you collect to gain different prizes), but he hasn't been able to because when he's done playing the big kids take the ball.  They don't want to wait for him to return it and then check it out from the noon duties themselves. 

I felt like a total hit man (woman) when I showed up at the school and told Ethan to "Show me the boys". 

Of course being 6 he was playing with his friends, too busy to point them out.  So the hit was canceled and I ended up chatting with the noon duty about the situation.  She was really sweet and said she was going to give Ethan the ever important panther pat the next day, and keep her eyes peeled for the handball stealers.

I am glad Ethan could talk to me and I could help out.  But ironically I am also grateful to these boys for toughening Ethan up, heaven knows I don't.

It's true, he is definitely the spoiled one of the family.  I don't know what it is.  He's the only boy.  He's the youngest.  He's constantly telling me how much he loves me.  He says his prayers no fail every night with no reminders and always remembers to bless those in need.  He compliments my outfits and tells me how beautiful I am.  That's probably it.  I always succumb to flattery.  Even when he's saying it in a very Eddie Haskell like way it still works.

But I didn't baby him with my baking today.  Ethan loves biscotti, but I am not too sure he'll go for this spiced whole wheat pumpkin biscotti. 

See, I can totally practice Tough Love!


  1. Whole wheat and pumpkin! yummmmm

  2. I love that you took care of it. What a sweet guy you have. Flattery works on me too. :)

    And your biscotti looks delicious! I've never made that before, but my daughter was asking me to the other day.

  3. He's 6, he still needs a hitwoman! And hey, you're protecting an important asset! Goodness knows even wonderful husbands forget to give compliments. Sounds like your little man is a gem! The biscotti sounds good too. : )

    1. So true, Glenn needs to take lessons from Ethan. Ethan is smooth.

  4. That biscotti looks great, as all of your food does. I really enjoy how you thread stories within stories, or recipes for that matter. You are very creative and gifted. Thank you for sharing your talents.


    PS. And a blessing indeed to have a son like Ethan.

  5. Love biscotti and love pumpkin although never thought about putting the two together! Yum! What a blessing that Ethan has such a sweet heart. :)

  6. There is just something about little boys and their mamas!!! And yum!! I'm still wanting to make your original biscotti recipe. I'm a slacking in the kitchen lately!

    1. You are slacking. What are you busy doing? Growing a baby or something?

  7. that biscotti looks delicious! and that last image? adorable!!!!!
    xo TJ

  8. i wish you could hear me saying Biscotti... Out loud for the past 3 minutes while reading the post.. OMG something is wrong with me. They look so delish.

    ENter the giveaway sugar britches

  9. Those look and sound amazing!!!

    I spoil my boy, too. They are just so sweet! Even when they misbehave...

  10. I think you handled the ball/Panther pat situation perfectly! That biscotti looks delicious, and I have to admit that biscotti rarely looks appealing to me!

  11. Mmm...those look good.

    My son is definately a Mama's Boy.

  12. Well done, Mama! Would love the recipe for the biscotti.

    Still waiting for an A for my Q in the Q&A.

  13. i LOVE that photo of you two! and that biscotti looks insane!

  14. Will you bake me some biscotti? haha.... Wow, I'd like to hear a story about those boys meeting the hit "man" .haha..

  15. Utterly cute... ! I am sure he would love your biscotti, whole wheat or not!

    That photo is one for the frame

  16. Way to be the enforcer! Love it! And I love any kind of biscotti - I may need to make those today - if for nothing else to turn the oven on because its so cold outside!

  17. Tough love is hard :( especially for such a cute kiddo!
    This biscotti looks delish!!

  18. I LOVE biscotti. I've never thought to make it of course! But really, it looks do-able, even for me.

    I love that last photo! So pretty. Both of you.


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