The Wallworks

Monday, June 4, 2012

Happy Birthday Shauna!!!

I am sending birthday hugs, wishes and kisses your way.  Thanks for being such a positive influence in my life for the past 11 years.  If I didn't have you I wouldn't have a best friend.  There is no substitute, no one that could take your place.  Let's be honest, no one that would put up with me and all the growth I've had to do over the years.


I have watched and learned and gained so much from emulating all your lovely, patient, giving traits.  You are a genuine person through and through, someone who literally brings light into others lives.

My first experience of the lengths you would go to for a friend was when you offered to go with me to my sister's house during a crisis.  You were in the middle of making a gorgeous turkey dinner and you had food strewn all over your kitchen.

I couldn't believe you were willing to drop it all and be with me, I knew I wouldn't have made the same decision.  Lucky for me I've had your example to help me learn to drop my life for a while for others.  I've seen you time and time again go out of your way, serve, help and comfort others and it is truly humbling to see.

I love watching you be a loving mom, a devoted wife and a cherished friend to everyone who knows you.

I am truly blessed to not only know you but have you in my life.  Have a wonderful Birthday!


  1. Happy Birthday, Shauna! It's wonderful to have a friend so dedicated! On another topic...Marie, you look adorable with Bangs!! I'm just saying...

    1. Thanks, I love love love bangs, the look of them and because I have so much dang hair. But they are so much work for me because I only like to shampoo once a week and that does not work for bangs.

  2. Such a sweet post! I love it and happy birthday to Shauna!

  3. What a great friend! Inspiring, kind friends are priceless.

  4. I am convinced you don't know a single ugly person. All of your friends and family members are so beautiful! :o) Happy birthday to your sweet friend. She sounds like a wonderful person to have on your side!

    1. Too sweet. Since I have so much growth to do I surround myself with great influences. I am smart that way.

  5. MARIE WALLWORK!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for this, what a sweet surprise really. Has it been eleven years? I remember seeing you for the first time, meeting you for the first time, wanting to be just like you, still wanting to be just like you.....I love you Marie, from the bottom to the top of my heart. One privilage I love holding as a woman is to be able to nurture love and express the love that I have for the wonderful women in my life. I hold you near and dear to my heart. I often think about your guidance spoken and unspoken to help me navigate my own life.

    I just love you Marie. And I love thinking about our friendship, love story if everybody will indulge us :)", I love it because our story started slowly. I think what's really different is that we really became close after you moved. A real loving effort has been made by us both to stay close and that my sweet is why we have the friendship we have today. Should I stop now? Nah...

    Marie you are a special one. I have loved all of our moments together. I look forward to a lifetime of memories, support, conversation and love together. Thank you for doing this, to take up your personal blog space for me-I love you, my dear best friend -forever.


  6. Happy Birthday to your Bestie! :D

  7. Awwww! How sweet! You both have such adorable families.

    I hope you are having a terrific Tuesday.


  8. What a sweet post--Your best friend absolutely lovely, inside AND out! There's nothing like an amazing best friend who is there for you through it all, the great times and amazing adventures and the downtimes and struggles as well.

    1. As you progress through life you really do realize what makes a good friend. Someone who continually makes you better is the biggest treasure.

  9. A great way to honor your friend on her birthday!

  10. What a sweet post for Shauna. The pictures of you were so sweet and wonderful and hilarious all at once. I have my own Shauna (not that she can be duplicated!) named Lindsey and what you wrote so resonated with me. We are all fuller, kinder, better women because of those that share their contagious, life-giving spirit with us.

  11. Happy Birthday Shauna! I hope she gets to escape the hospital soon and all in one piece, if she hasn't already! What sweethearts you two are! Someone better bring you both some chocolate cake, STAT!

  12. There is simply nothing like a good friend. I'm sure she feels the same way about you! Happy Birthday Shauna!

  13. Funny Marie because when I first started reading this and you said how Shauna was the very best freind and could not be replaced that time came into my head to when she came with you down to my house and was able to share her experience with me.........I think of it often when I think of Shauna and then you mentioned that day in your next paragraph or two. She is an amazing person and I dont even know her as well or see her near often as you do but the times I have spent with her are always good and wonderful!. Happy BIrthday though Shauna!

    1. Of course you and Netty are first and foremost in my heart, but yeah, Shauna is a one of a kind gem. Both her and Thira having no sisters (now) love you and Netty both so much. They both consider all the Mitchell's family.

  14. Happy Birthday to your beautiful friend! True friends are such a blessing.

  15. Such a sweet post, happy birthday to your friend! And what a beautiful family she has, too.

  16. Happy Birthday to her! Gald you have her in your life.

  17. Catching up on your older posts...

    A Very Happy Belated Birthday to Shauna! Love this post. Love these pictures.

  18. That is absolutely one of the most beautiful posts I have read. It makes me want to be friends with Shauna too (but that would be a little weird).

    How wonderful that you have her and here is to hope that we all find our own Shauna to learn from.


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