The Wallworks

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Rolling On

The other day my little Holy Roller asked if we could get a "Jesus" sticker for our car.  I am not sure about the rest of the country but here in little ol' Temecula in Southern California there are a ton of Christian folk.  I knew exactly what he was talking about because I've seen a few of those stickers myself, they take up the whole back window.  The entire window!!!  I am impressed with their devotion.

Ethan's love for our Savior was touching but I had to tell him that instead of 'screaming' our love for Jesus maybe we should be a tad more respectful. 

It is very common in the Latter Day Saint culture to have "CTR" (choose the right) "BYU" (Brigham Young University) "LDS" (Latter Day Saints) &/or "Families are Forever" bumper stickers.

I wanted to encourage his desire to share with the world how he felt so I went to our church bookstore later that day.  I bought a very cool "LDS" sticker and couldn't wait to put it on the car and surprise Ethan with it.

Turns out a black sticker on a black window doesn't work that well.  At all.  $3.95 down the drain.

When I went back to the bookstore a few days later all they had was a smallish "CTR" sticker.  Sold.

Ethan loves it. 

Truth be told since I am now acknowledging to all drivers what a proud Latter Day Saint I am my driving has greatly improved.


  1. Yes, very reverent indeed. You better be on your best behavior now with that "Choose the Right" sticker on there-ya know since your sort of an obnoxious driver....not at all- but I'm sure it makes you think twice huh?

    It's so great that there are so many openly religious folk out there, it just makes for a great atmosphere. Take care,

    Shauna xoxoxoxoxoxo

  2. I like that last comment! :o)

    We have a TON of Christian folk in our area, but not a whole lot of LDS, or if there are, they don't mention that they are. But I have seen those Families Are Forever stickers! I didn't know they were LDS stickers!

    1. They most likely are, but if not that's great too, no matter your religion it's a great motto.

    2. It refers to our belief that there is life after death & that families can be together for eternity.

  3. I don't like to have Christian stickers on my car because, if I mess up, I don't want it to reflect on my witness. Some people will always find a way to put down Christians and I don't want to give them any more fodder!

  4. I don't really like bumper stickers like that because I have no idea what they all mean. I mean how would I know what CTR is? Unless I read your blog? I know the Jesus Fish, icthus and stuff BUT what is the point of having it on your car if very few know what it means?

    1. Because we know what it means & it makes Ethan proud & happy. I think it also unites those who have the same beliefs. Plus a little bit of mystery is good. You'd be surprised how many people join the church because their interest was piqued in some way. Granted I am sure they were prepared to hear it at that time in their life.

  5. I actually had no idea what CTR meant until now. And why not put it on your car if you want?

    Holy Roller? Too cute. I love it. And I love that you listen to your kids like this! I need to do the same.

  6. I actually had no idea what CTR meant until now. And why not put it on your car if you want?

    Holy Roller? Too cute. I love it. And I love that you listen to your kids like this! I need to do the same.

  7. I second the comment above--had no idea what CTR was! I had a bumper sticker for my college on my old car, but this one's staying sticker-free. For now.

  8. Your son is so thoughtful and I love that you followed through with his idea.

  9. What a sweet son. Funny how a little thing like a sticker can make you more consciencous of driving.
    Sorry the black sticker didn't work out, but at least there was another option for you.

  10. Love that you went out there and not only did this once to make your son happy but twice and we all know what a thrifty shopper you are ;-)
    Seriously though, I love that your son is so proud of his faith. It says a lot of his heart!


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