The Wallworks

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Birthday Granola

For birthdays of those I love I give homemade granola.  It's like gold to me & I can only bear to part with it  when I know it is going to a loving home.  I gave my friend Sara some for her birthday a few weeks ago & when her husband, our good friend Ryan went on & on about how great it was, well, if you know me, flattery of my baked goods will get you everywhere!

I based my recipe loosely on THIS granola.

Here is Ryan, 3rd from left.  He lives for surfing, his 2 adorable daughters, his lovely wife Sara, a baby boy (possibly named Ulysses?)  due next month, and laughing with (at?) his best friend Glenn.

2 adorable daughters, Jordan & Taylor who I have to keep my eye on as I am aware of their sneaky plot to steal Brutus.

Glenn & Ryan.  I am going to guess they are making up clever slogans for 'The Most Interesting Man in the World'.

Today that's YOU Ryan!  Happy Birthday!!!!  Love, The Wallworks


  1. Mmm homemade granola is the best...perfect birthday gift to a friend!!

  2. Marie, my sister makes home made granola and it's yummy! Is there a recipe that goes with yours, it' looks great!

  3. I think homemade food is the best birthday gift ever. Too bad that none of my friends can really cook! Not that I should point fingers... that name!


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