The Wallworks

Friday, October 28, 2011

The Internship

continued from  Jeannette

Knowledge is Power.  If that's the case then my sister needed to hit the books because she desperately needed a little power in her corner.

Step one was moving from Florida to Utah to live with my parents and regroup.  Step 2 was getting a job.  Step 3 was mapping out how to finish up that almost forgotten internship.

Steps one and two were quickly accomplished.  She settled in with my parents and got a job waiting tables at a friends restaurant.  Step 3 however took a toll mentally as she hit roadblocks at every turn.  She was on the computer and phone for hours on end figuring out the seemingly impossible task of  gaining acceptance into a Diatetics Internship.

Some schooling had expired and before she could even be considered she would have to redo a series of Nutritional Therapy classes.  These classes seemed overwhelming and impossible as her only experience with science in the last dozen years had been trying to find natural solutions to rid her carpet of playdoh and helping the kids make volcanoes erupt with baking soda.

                                                 Jeannette & Margo 2010

To compound the problem school was expensive, but she needed to make it happen whatever the cost.

After a year of living with my parents in Utah, my parents decided to move to California.  Jeannette of course needed their support and picked up her kids and moved again.  She started redoing all those classes she needed and spent many a days at the Temecula Library studying her heart out.  She didn't have the luxury of only concentrating on her studies as she also had 3 kids she longed to be with. 

In the midst of all these classes she was also working on gaining admittance to an internship.

She was accepted at a College in Colorado where she would set up her own rotations through local hospitals, agencies, offices and schools.  This proved tiring and frustrating as many hospitals were fed interns directly through the local colleges.

It made my head spin to see how many hoops she had to jump through for each and every rotation.  At the 11th hour she got everything in place and started.  Some were a 30 min. drive, some so far that she would leave for 4 days and come home for 3.  Of course there was still homework, studying, and the raising of her kids.

 In the middle of all of this she was working on putting the pieces of her marriage back together.

Through it all she remained positive and upbeat.  Too positive for me actually.  There were may times when I would actually scold, scream, cry and throw fits, because she wouldn't.  I guess I felt that if she wouldn't do it, I would. 

As of this month, she is done.  The Internship is finally over.

I don't know how she did it.  In the midst of a chaotic home life she  persevered and focused on the end goal.

November 2nd is her RD Test day.  One more huge hurdle to pass.

Her husband is out of the picture for now, not for lack of trying on her part, but due to circumstances out of her control.

My sister & I grew up under the same roof & slept in the same bed.  We walked to school together and she taught me to swim.  We loved so hard it hurt, and laughed until we ached.   We learn from each other every day and will continue to do so.

I hurt and pray for her but also cheer and relish in all she has and has yet to accomplish.

She's lived a lifetime already, but at the same time, is starting anew.  A new and wonderful journey is literally a moment away.


  1. I love it Marie. You have a great talent for capturing moments, events and real time. I'm so happy for Jeanette. I can't wait for what is to come. Thanks for the inspiration. xoxoxo Shauna

  2. What a wonderful tribute to Jeannette, Marie. You are so fortunate to have such a close bond with your family. I feel I have that with my sister. Best of luck to her on her test. Thanks for sharing her story with all of us. The photo fo the three of you together is Gorgeous!

  3. They say 'everyone has a story' & it's so true. I think every single person has such a fascinating tale to tell. I really haven't even delved into her complete story though as it's not mine to tell. Maybe one day I will get permission.

  4. this is beautiful. this was wonderful to read! what a great bond you two have. i'm almost jealous.


  5. My goodness, Marie. What a tear-jerker. My sister is almost 14 years younger than me so I'm more like another mommy to her than a sister.
    Pass on the good luck to "Netty"! She's worked so hard and deserves so much!
    She's lucky to have 2 wonderful sisters!

  6. It's so wonderful how much you care about and support your sister. I wish her all the best and she will definitely go far.

    That's a great picture, btw. You three are so beautiful :)

  7. I'm so happy for Jeannette! What a major accomplishment! She's so awesome.

  8. so it's true that sisters can be best friends. :) I don't have a sister, but I've 2 daughters who love each other sometimes and then squabble the rest of the time. Hope they grow up to love each other like you and your sis do. :)

  9. I'm sorry your sister's marriage isn't working out but it is so awesome that she was able to make everything else work out and that she is done with her internship I hope she can continue to succeed in her future.

  10. Even in the midst of her adversities she still kept a positive attitude. I love that! Good luck to her on the RD test!

  11. Good luck to Jeanette on Wednesday!!!!! It's always impressive when people just put their heads down and survive...or even thrive.

  12. What an amazing story. I am so inspired by your sister and all that she's accomplished and I wish her loads of luck with her exam!

    On a more shallow note, how is it that all of you are so beautiful? I'm so jealous of the fabulous hair. :)

  13. What a beautifully written post!! Congratulations to your sister and her perserverance - I am sure I would have given up!!

  14. Ameena not shallow at all, I want Jeannette's hair too and continue to curse my straight hair. Also Biz honestly I would have given up too. I've looked at her textbooks and it's basically a foreign language.

  15. Jeanette is amazing! I'm so glad she's reached the light at the end of the tunnel for this RD program! I say we go out and celebrate with her!

  16. I'm so happy you continued the story, what an amazing one!! And the bonds of sisterhood you have are awesome! I'm so happy for Nette- what a hard worker she is!! Her work is paying off!!


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