The Wallworks

Thursday, October 27, 2011


                                                     Jeannette & her son Nathan 2010

Or Netty as I usually call her.  There's 3 of us girls, Margo, Jeannette, & Marie, tres French I know.  Margo is the oldest, with Jeannette 16 months younger, and then me coming almost 4 years later.  Of course there's also those 6 brothers in mix.  But this is about Jeannette.

Growing up we were super close.  We played barbies and babies and even slept in the same single bed up until we were teenagers.  In the middle of the night when Netty went to the bathroom I followed along telling her how tired I was.  Hmmm, maybe I just should have stayed in bed, but where she went, I went.

 Nielsen, Margo, law Sheralyn, Ty, Dad, Mom, Marie, Jeannette (stuck like glue)  in front row,
Aaron, Kyle, Adam           1991

When she went babysitting, I came along.  When she went to friends homes, I came along.  And believe it or not, when she was older and went on dates, guess who came along?  Yup, I did.  Looking back we realize this was not normal behavior, but we just loved being together.  Or maybe I just whined and cried until she took pity on me, my memory is a bit fuzzy.

I remember so many times laying by her while she studied.  I would just wait for her to finish so we could play.  Isn't that what every teenager wants to do with their kid sister?

She made me feel special and loved and I was proud of my big sister.  She was beautiful and smart and still is.  She is actually the one we deem 'the smart one in the family'.  When it comes to her education, she has a natural ability to do well.  She graduated college and went on to serve an LDS mission in Thailand for 18 months.

Upon returning home she dated lots of cute boys (men?) and I just knew that whoever she picked (because really she was the one doing the picking) he would be the smartest, most handsome, most successful and brilliant man out there.  Men fell completely under her spell and always fell in love with her.  Always.

She picked someone.  They were married and happy.  She worked and planned on doing an internship to become an RD.  She was accepted to a prestigious internship, 1 out of 300.  No one was surprised that they chose her, why wouldn't they?  She found out she was pregnant and decided more important than the internship was focusing on her pregnancy and baby.  Besides, another internship would surely come along, that just seemed to be the pattern of her life.

They built a home and a family.  They had a daughter Kylee then a son, Nicholas.  When Nicholas was 2 he drowned.  It was horrific.  I found out at 9pm, waited an hour for Margo, then we drove all night to be with Jeannette.  She was lying on a bed, still.  Her fists were tightly clenching some of Nick's clothes, holding them close to her heart, clinging to his scent and memories of the little boy who only hours earlier was smiling and clinging to her.  She was silently crying and then bursts of  the deepest, guttural, heart wrenching animalistic sobs wailed from her soul, the pain from a literal broken heart.

She never healed from that. She couldn't.  But you go on because you have a life.  A new one, different.  She had another son Nathan, and a little girl Kiera.  Being a mom was what she most wanted in life.  She loved playing and reading with them.  Swimming and going to the park.  She spent hours making them magical birthday cakes every year.  She enjoyed nothing more than being with her kids all day.  She worked hard at her marriage because of this family, these children that brought her more joy than she ever imagined.


Many things in her life and her in marriage became difficult.  There came a point when she realized she had to position herself to solely provide for these 3 kids.  She then put in motion what would become some of  the hardest years of her life.........

part 2 - the internship - 12 years later


  1. Your relationship with your sister reminds me so much of mine with my sis. We've grown apart so much these past years though and I really miss it. I am so sorry for her loss and for your entire family's loss. She seems like such a beautiful soul, strong and determined. She's gorgeous and so are her children.

  2. How sweet that you and you sister(s) have always been so close and such a huge part and support in each others lives. I can't stop heartbreaking to lose a child, I can not even imagine! Jeannette sounds like an amazing sister, friend, and mother!!! The best! How amazing she is (now?) doing an internship!! It gives me goosebumps! I love the pictures of her with her kids, so darling! You forgot the disclaimer to grab a Kleenex. :)

  3. Marie, you're so blessed to have her. Your relationship with her is a gem.

    Jeannette, love you, my heart goes out to you, it always has. I admire you for your perseverance and will. Thinking about you a lot today....xoxoxoxo Shauna

  4. Oh, my gosh, Marie. This is so touching. I look forward to part two. Your sister is so brave and I understand because my only sister lost her only daughter. She was 31 years old. I've never had any children so she was like my child, too. Hugs to you and you are so brave to tell this story.

  5. Oh my goodness- I need to read part 2 now. My heart goes out to Jeannette. I can not imagine. Thank goodness for loving sisters like you and your special bond. Cyber hugs!

  6. What a wonderful relationship you have with your sister and so sad about her son.

  7. I cannot imagine what it feels like to lose a child. Your sister appears to be a strong, brave woman of great character. What a neat relationship you share. I am eager to read part two.

  8. I can't imagine losing my baby who is 2 right now. What a tragedy and of course life changing incident.

    I hope my girls have a close relationship like you and your sister had growing up.

  9. I of course do not know your sister, but please tell her that I cannot imagine her pain. You and she are lucky to have such a bond. Truly a gift.

  10. Oh wow.... I hadn't thought about when Nick died in a long time... still makes me so sad. Jeanette is really amazing! I have to change the station if that song comes on from his video so I won't cry while I'm driving. I forget who sings it.

  11. Thanks for all the love. I didn't necessarily mean this to be a gut-wrenching post, but it was obviously a huge part of her life, and inevitably we all will experience degrees of sorrow.

    Brittany the 2 songs that come to mind are Josh Grobins 'To Where You Are', and Weezer's 'Island in the Sun'.

  12. What a beautiful and strong sister you have. It's great that you are so close!

  13. Wow....Jeannette must be one strong, amazing, woman!! My hear goes out to her...

  14. It's that one that says "I want to thank you for giving me the best days of my life." I could sing it to you;)! It was on his video.


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