The Wallworks

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Best Laid Plans

Today did not go as planned.  At all.

It started about 1 am this morning with a little boy coming into my room after he had thrown up all over his bed and floor.  Obviously we just got the carpets professionally cleaned a month ago.  My kids prefer a clean slate on which to vomit on.  Of course I had to have him right by my side to watch over my little sick one.  Of course Glenn had to take his pillow and go sleep in the guest room.

At 6:30am I left my sleeping family and drove down the street to Walmart to get Ethan a Redbox, Sprite and to return some boots I bought for Emry.

Ethan & I both played hooky as I usually help in his classroom on Tuesdays.  While Ethan watched 'Cars' I got to mailing out my Christmas cards.

I also made Cheez It Bark for a cookie exchange Emry was going to tonight with all the girls in our church.   While I boiled butter and sugar Ethan built me some castles.

By late afternoon he said he was totally fine.  Great, I'll take the girls to Target as planned to find Emry the perfect pair of boots.  All I want are some brown casual boots for her.  No heel.  Mid-calf.  Nice enough to wear to church.  I have been to about 5 stores and no luck. We score at Target.

We'll be efficient and run a few errands.  I look in the back seat and my 'fine' boy is fading fast.

The new plan is to go straight home and put baby boy to bed.

I make dinner and tell Emry all about the yummy treat I made for her cookie exchange.

What?  The cookie exchange is next week?

The new plan is to box up all the Sweet & Salty Cheez It Bark and deliver it to our neighbors along with a Christmas card.

Is it Good?

Well I'll tell you this......

My new plan is to make it again.


  1. Oh no! I hate vomit! I'd rather have pain than nausea. I hope the rest of the family doesn't succumb. Hang in there.

  2. I love the post that you actually got this recipe from. "Ghetto Toffee Recipe" that's hilarious. We delivered all of our goodies to neighbors today too, but it was planned...:) Love the boots. Love you, Shauna.....xoxoxoxoxo

    PS. I can't wait to get your xmas card. That site you ordered from is to die for. I don't know how you even picked a card because they are all so stinkin cute. I was tempted but I am making my cards super simple. If my photo man would give us the pictures then I could started, for Pete's sake.....xoxo <3 (that's a heart.....<3

    PSS. Also hilarious about Glenn, can be "funny" sometimes.... :) Love to Ethan, aka...Baby Boy.

  3. Sorry to hear about your sick kid.

    Cheez it bark sounds so interesting. I've never heard of it before.

  4. Sorry you're dealing with sickness. Of course it happened on your newly cleaned carpet!

    I've made something similar with saltines, but never cheese crackers--yum!

    And I'm very impressed with your son's castle. Hope your family is all healthy soon!

  5. Update- It's 11:30pm and Ethan woke up and came into our room to tell us Lila is crying. Lila is sick. I know a lot of us are dealing with this. Let's hope it all subsides before the festivities begin.

  6. I'm so glad that you are putting butter to good use! Bet the salty in the toffee is awesome. Gotta love Target- fun boots! Sorry about the barf...never pleasant to clean up!! Glad he is feeling better, but sorry about Lila, hopefully it doesn't keep spreading but at least it is fast.

  7. CHEEZ-IT BARK!!! No you didn't say that! I think that qualifies for TIDNTKE (Things I Didn't Need To Know Existed) ;-) Could I have the recipe, please?!? ;-)

  8. I hope your son is feeling better now. Poor thing.

  9. Haha, such is life! Whenever I have an unproductive day (and you actually got stuff done!) I think to myself, "I don't even have kids yet!"

  10. The bark looks delish! So some things work out just fine, even if it's not as planned :)

  11. Crap! I mean... barf. Sorry to hear the sickness is spreading around your house. Hope it's a 24-hour bug and you are all 100% by the weekend. Then you need to Lysol your whole house so you stay well for Christmas!

    Your treats always look so amazing. I'm almost scared to visit your blog because there is always something to tempt me. But then I would miss you, so her I am, I'm baaaack. : )

    Cute boots by the way!


  12. oh much done in one day!!!! hope your lil boy gets well quickly. sucks when they're sick eh.

  13. I'm so sorry about the vomit...I can unfortunately relate more than I'd like.

    I used to LOVE Cheez-Its. What a fabulous addition to a cookie...sounds divine.

    Hope the little one is feeling better today.

  14. I'll take just about anything over vomit! Gross! And didn't he realize the carpet was pristine? But THAT is why we are waiting until January to clean our carpets for the new baby... That stuff looks TASTY! Go you for sharing...I might not have!


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