1. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis & wake up everyday with a new pain located somewhere on my body.
2. I can't sing, but I always RSVP.
3. My 2 sisters & I slept in one bed growing up. Cozy. The six brothers slept in bunk beds.
4. I loathe putting on makeup. Hence the natural look, which isn't working so much for me as I am aging.
5. I talk faster than anyone. I consciously have to slow myself down.
6. I eat fast too. I prefer to think I am just passionate about my food.
7. I am way more in love with my husband now than I was 15 years ago. Feel free to vomit.
8. Nuts are basically a food group for me. I eat them with anything and on everything.
9. I went to college for 5 years & only have an AA to show for it. Don't switch majors so often is my advice.
10. I grew up painfully shy. My children will not be painfully shy. Nothing good comes of it.
11. I went to school in Hawaii to get away from a boyfriend I couldn't break up with. It worked.

one. What is your favorite jewelry accessory? Why?
My wedding ring. It's the only real piece of jewelery I own.
two. What is the best roller coaster you have ever ridden?
I can't stand roller coasters anymore. A few years ago I rode on one at Lagoon in Utah called the Spider and it was so scary I seriously thought I was going to die. Emry rode it a dozen times of course.
three. How many years have you been a part of blogger?
1.5 glorious years of talking about myself
four. If you have a college degree, what is it in? If not, what grade are you in?
I am in 18th grade (see #9 above)
five. How many times have you watched the movie, Finding Nemo?
Once. Shawshank Redemption on the other hand, probably about 7 times.
six. What is your favorite Bible character & why?
Daniel in the Lions Den. The faith Daniel had was incredible & inspiring. He was a true man of God.
seven. What is your favorite season?
Fall. Something about the leaves, putting on a sweater, drinking hot chocolate every morning (& night) and snuggling under blankets by the fire calls to me.
eight. What is the most disgusting thing you have ever eaten?
Bad seafood. It's so hard to get it just perfect. The only seafood I cook is salmon & shrimp, all the rest I leave up to a good restaurant.
nine. What is one of your new years resolutions?
To say a morning prayer regularly and drink a big glass of water first thing upon waking.
ten. How fast can you say, "Peter Piper Picked a Pepper" without messing it up? ;D
Very fast! (#5 above)
Marie, this was fun to read and you also missed your calling as a model. And you're aging so gracefully, if I've told you once I've told you a thousand times and even mentioned it on my blog that you don't even need make up- so good thing you look like you.
ReplyDeleteDid they come up with these questions because there are some perfect ones like "how fast can you say "Peter Piper Picked a Pepper!" That's hilarious because you could win a contest for the fastest out loud reader of anything!
Amen on the morning prayer, I was just telling my kids as we talked about goals that that is one area I need the most work...morning prayers.
I definitely look forward to your blog posts. Thanks for all you share. Love Always,
PS. I wonder if bloggers will really tell you they want to be picked. You should just pick the blogs you really love, you've found some great ones.
What a great questionarie. I think I'm on my billionth year of college/school too...so long, so much work! I grew up being painfully shy too...you miss so many opportunities and friends that way.
ReplyDeleteLoved hearing those little details about you! I too prefer little makeup, but use more than I wish now that I'm aging so very rapidly!
ReplyDeleteThis is very funny Marie! I also speak and eat TOO fast. Makeup or not...I Love the Photo!
ReplyDeleteI wanna hear you babble on! From what I can see, the makeup-free look is working for you just fine, silly girl!
ReplyDeleteI agree that being shy is really tough. I'm fine until more than a couple sets of eyes are on me. I'll never be able to speak in front of a group. I'd sooner die.
I'm sorry to hear about the arthritis, but it sounds like you are making the most out of life anyways! As for being happily married, no shame in that. You are an inspiration!! I hope to still be madly in love with Naked Daddy after 15 years! It's been only 3 but so far so good. : ) Totally with you on the long years in school. I went to school 6 years to get my degree. Like you, I changed my major so many times. I like to think I now know a little bit about everything!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed this whole post, but have to tell you, you ROCK the natural look and look young and beautiful, so don't believe otherwise. Beauty doesn't come from a bottle.
I went to school in Maine to get away from a boyfriend I couldn't break up with...If only I'd known Hawaii was an option!
ReplyDeleteI grew up painfully shy, too. Having kids and needing to speak up for them has been the greatest way for me to get over that. I'm still terrible in group situations, though.
ReplyDeleteLoved reading about you! The natural look isn't working so well for me either, especially after around 33. More make-up is needed! Though you look great!
ReplyDeleteI'm also a fast talker AND my husband works in nut distribution. :)
I talk fast and eat (too) fast also! Ever since I was a kid. I keep trying to slow down, but I'm stumped. I often get call backs from friends that say, "I got your message and couldn't understand a word of what you said, so I knew it was you." Yikes.
ReplyDeleteI think you look absolutely fabulous without makeup!!! Lucky you!!! I look one step away from death if I don't wear powder and foundation. ;o)
ReplyDeleteI just love Marli from Purposely at Home. She is such a sweetheart and reminds me so much of my little sister. I agree, I wish I'd had half her sense of self, too, back then. Heck, I'd even take it now! :o)
very cute post!!! have a great week!
ReplyDeleteMarie you are too cute, I love this post. I loved the vomit comment with your hub, that was awesome! Isn't it true though how it just gets better as time goes on?!
ReplyDeleteYay! So glad you did it! ;) Loved your answers... Thank you for the sweet words at the end too...they brightened my day! I hope you are having an amazing day. ROLLLL TIDE! ;D
Such an interesting way to get to know you! And I am so sorry about the arthritis, my friend has it too and I know it can be just awful. :(
ReplyDeleteI'm always scared I have RA b/c my mom's sisters have it (one died from complications) and I'm a hypochondriac.
ReplyDeleteI love the answers!! Fall is my favorite time of year too. I was shy as a kid too, you're right, nothing good comes out of being "painfully" shy.
ReplyDeleteI agree with above comment in that you should pick bloggers that you want to be nosy about. I mean who on earth would just throw themselves under the bus in case you don't like them? I mean come on. I found this TRES interesting.
ReplyDeleteI am incredibly shy! I wish I weren't.
ReplyDeleteWhat???????? I love all my reader friends. I just don't want to intrude on anyone's time if they aren't up to it.
ReplyDeleteOh so fun! I love reading these with people I find interesting, such as yourself. I eat WAY too fast now too. Usually with one hand while the baby is in the next. It looks pretty desperate but you gotta do what you gotta do.
ReplyDeletePS, you so rock the natural look. It makes me kinda jealous. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm a fan of the natural look as well. It's so much easier.
ReplyDeleteNote the natural look is so much easier to rock in black & white.
ReplyDeleteIt was nice to get to read so much about you. It's great that you RSVP - way too many people don't bother these days! I don't loathe putting on makeup like you do...but I have never done it so it really intimidates me! I wish I was better at it!
ReplyDeleteI loved reading this post and knowing you a wee bit more. I love your photograph.
ReplyDeleteWhat work outs do you do with your RA?
ReplyDeleteI share #4 - including the increasing trouble pulling it off as I get older!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed reading this posts! One of my friends has has RA since she was 18. It's not fun.
I have 5 sisters and 4 brothers. I'm glad I didn't have to share a bed with all my sisters!
Thanks for visiting my blog! =)
Marie, its funny how growing up I thought we were nothing alike, but reading your blog, we are SOO MUCH alike!!! HEHEHEHE! Except the seafood part! Not in this lifetime or the next obviously! I LOVE YOU! And you are BEAUTIFUL in color just as much as black and white!!!
ReplyDeleteI have a twin sister and even from being in cribs my parents would separate us but we'd always end up with each other somehow!
ReplyDeleteLoved this post! :D
I love the comment about your husband (no vomiting over here!) and moving to Hawaii to escape a bf...I can relate :-)...except it was from NC to CT for me!
ReplyDeleteI totally am the fast talker too! Whenever I give a talk in church i'm focusing more on my speed than what I'm saying!
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting my blog, and for the sweet comment!!
ReplyDeleteI loved this post.. i too am a fast talker/fast eater. Trying so hard to work on that :)
I'll be following your blog.. glad you found me :)
{By the way, LOVE LOVE LOVE your skirt and sandals!!}
Andrea xoxo
Love your blog!
ReplyDeleteYou had so many siblings!! :) And I eat so freakin' fast, too. I probably would be like 20 pounds lighter if I didn't.
Hey Marie, I don't know if you'll see this but on my blog list it shows that you've posted something new but it's not showing up, it's shows you posted it over an hour ago. Either you're still editing it or you didn't post somehow and thought you did. Check it out and see...
WOW! I loved learning new things about you. You're beautiful, you don't need make up.... Like some of us. ;)
ReplyDeleteMoving to Hawaii to get away from a boyfriend? OOHHH I bet thats a juicy story.
Just found your blog and I LOOOOVE IT!
follow each other?
Fun post! Loved reading a little bit more about you! I eat way too fast also... I mean its bad. If I start eating before my husband then I am done and watching him eat for 20 minutes. Need to slow down! :) By the way. . . You rock the natural look!!
ReplyDeleteHey Marie, what's up am I the only guy who comments, or am I one of the only guy in this blog, I know i'm not. I love this it was so much fun reading, margo and I were cracking up.....I will be cooking at the Fire Station on Sunday and I'm going to try to one of your recipes wish me luck..... This is Al
ReplyDeleteI know for a fact Glenn is a loyal reader. Other than that I am not sure If any men read this but I always love hearing from you Al. Next time I am up North I am going to bring my camera to the firehouse, take tons of pics and do a whole post on y'all.
DeleteInteresting facts. And I love that you are more in love with your husband:)
ReplyDeleteLoved reading more about you! I love Shawshank Redemption although it was some parts of it were rather disturbing but nonetheless a great movie. And I think you look fantastic au naturel on your face!