The Wallworks

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Oh my Goodness! Oh my Gosh!

Ethan loves his school.  He LOVES it.

I know this because he is always telling me how much he loves learning, his friends, handball, Friday Morning Flag Salute, his teacher, recess,  art projects, etc.

So the other day when he came to me saying "Mom, I want to change schools", I was completely baffled.

"Are the kids being mean to you?" was the first question I asked.  I couldn't fathom what could be the matter.

And then Ethan said this, "No.  It's just that they take the Lord's name in vain all the time.  And it kills me!"

Sweet boy.  He's heard bad language.  He's gotten picked on.  There have been times of sadness and times of unfairness.  It's part of growing up and learning to navigate life.  There's not too much I can or want to do about it.

But this hurts his spirit.  He is a boy who really wants to choose the right.  He has born his testimony in front of our whole congregation of over 200 people.  He prays nightly.  When superheros and how strong they are come up in conversation it inevitably ends with - "But Jesus is the strongest" (or bravest, best, smartest)

I've toyed with talking to his teacher.  Possibly the Principal about letting the kids know that some people find this term hurtful.

I am not weird.  I don't mean to cause trouble.  I don't know if this is just one of those things he's going to have to deal with and get over, or something worth bringing up.

In the meantime I am just going to keep on saying things like "gosh darn it", "gee whiz" & "good golly miss molly" & hope people catch on.

*I am not sure why there are links on this post, I think I have a computer virus or something.  Must get Glenn on it soon.


  1. Ethan, Ethan, Ethan. This is very sweet Marie. I would bring it up-for sure. Diplomatically of course but I definitely would bring light to the subject. Why not, it's a teaching moment for everyone. Since over half the world's population is Christian it would be a good reminder for everyone, to try and be more respectful of others and their beliefs.



  2. What a sweet boy. Goes to show what a good example you and Glen are setting for him at home. :)

  3. It's wonderful that he is so young yet knows that that type of language is not what he should be hearing or repeating. Good for you mama!

  4. I went to public school and was shocked by the bad language....but they don't really change. :(

  5. He is so adorable and so sweet... if only all little boys were like Ethan! :)
    You wouldn't believe the stuff I hear come out of my students' mouths every day. It is horrific- I can't remember ever talking like that as a teenager. Now, I'm not saying that I'm a saint and never curse, but I hear things on a daily basis that make me cringe.

  6. Aww what a sweetie! In all reality though, no matter where he goes to school, or who you try to talk to about it, it's probably just going to get worse as he gets older. It's sad how young they start with things like that though. The great part is that he knows that it's wrong.

  7. Marie, I am not especially religious, but it does bother me when people take the Lord's name in vain. It also bothers me that people on Facebook and some bloggers think nothing of throwing around the F word and bit#* and other things like that. I always tend to think that perhaps they're not smart enough to think of an alternative. It constantly frustrates me. I think, if it continues, you should speak to someone. The other children probably hear it from their parents who got it from their parents. It needs to stop somewhere. I do want to mention that Ethan looks like an Ivy Leaguer in that Cute!!

  8. I wrestle with this kind of stuff all the time. So many things bother me about Maya's school but I know that if I keep complaining she'll get the brunt of it. The principal is not a nice person! So I try to pick my battles.

    Poor Ethan. Such a good kid! It's hard trying to stick with your beliefs at that age so good for him for doing so.

  9. Sweet boy! I love that he has such great discernment and a love for God at such a young age!..... thanks to his momma! :) My girls have a really hard time with this to; I just always reinforce the positive of them making the right decisions NOT to talk like that and how they can set a great example for others in the words they choose.

  10. Praise to Ethan! My heart hurts for him that he has been so offended. As a parent you can only do so much to ease their burden.
    It stinks but it is also probably a good thing that he is given the exposure because eventually he will have to cope with it.
    It is a great opportunity for witnessing, but I know kids can be especially cruel.
    Potential best course of action: Pray!

    Marie bless you and your family

  11. Oh what a sweetie. He'll make it're doing the right things!

  12. What a sweetheart. I wish there were an easy solution, but unfortunately a lot of parents don't consider this type of language problematic

  13. What a sweetheart. We are big fans of 'geezy peezy' around here. We will keep trying to pass it along too!

  14. You know what? I don't like that either. I don't mind swearing, but I really don't like it when people take the Lord's name in vain either. Even when I'm reading a book and it's in there, I'll change it in my head as I read.

    What a precious boy!

  15. Ugh, this makes me cringe...seriously! It infuriates me when some other little punk has a crappy influence at home and teaches things to our kids who should still be innocent for at least a little while longer. I love that Ethan knows better because he has been taught better. Go Ethan! I would bring it up to the school too because I am sure there are other words being used and it is a good reminder of what is appropriate and not at school.

    Before Kindergarten started another kid at Noah's pre-school got in trouble for saying a couple of swear words...Noah told me about it because he was confused and didn't understand why those words were bad, the words he repeated to me were not close to what they actually were (thank goodness, no wonder he was confused). But I had to voice my opinion at the school because I was so outraged. I know not much can be done- I know in my situation the parents of this kid are trash and wouldn't even care...but sometimes we just have to put our voice out there...right?

  16. What a sweetheart!!! You're definitely raising him right. Lexie feels the same way - those words bother her a whole lot more than they do me. Maybe because I've had many more years hearing them...and sometimes accidentally saying them myself. :o/

    I'm just so happy that she still considers words like stupid and shut up to be bad words too. Their innocence is just so refreshing!

  17. Your son definitely has a good head on his shoulders! I'm no parent, so I can't really give advice, but it IS something he will come across again and again in life, so teaching him to act/speak as he believes is right while accepting that others will say things that he doesn't agree with...sounds like a move in the right direction to me.

  18. What a sweet boy. I hope you can figure out with the school for him so that he doesn't want to leave.

  19. I love your boy's tender heart. It hurts me, too, to hear my Lord's name taken in vain.

  20. What a true soul and heart he has! So proud of him for staying true to what he believes in. My girls don't like it when they hear it either. I have even heard them try to correct their friends. It's a shame that this is around us so much when we leave our homes.

  21. What a sweet heart Ethan has. I so agree with Crissy about the idea of teaching Ethan to see himself as a role model - especially since it sounds like he already has such a bold spirit. Bless him for knowing having such a strong sense of how things should be in his world!

  22. I think you are doing the best thing by letting him deal with such skirmishes on his own. I would do the same if my daughter were to face something like that at school. Ethan looks adorable in his school uniform

  23. it really is tricky... i remember when i was younger, and getting teased constantly, when my parents considered going to the school to talk about it, i panicked, and begged them not to, because i was sure it would make things worse for me.

    i'm afraid it could go that way for you, but only because it hits so close to home for me... maybe once he's more ok with it, you could think about having a chat at the school... more like a show-and-tell, 'this is what we believe' sort of thing, to get the other kids engaged? just a thought... i'm sorry your amazing guy is hurting. :-(

  24. Maybe you could call the teacher or go up to the school before or after and talk to her one on one so the other kids won't see.

  25. Wow, that's wonderful about what he said...he really is offended by the taking the Lord's name in vain.

    I don't know how I am going to handle school!


  26. I am so glad I don't have to worry about problems like this for a little while. Whew. That is so hard. You want your baby to stick up for his beliefs while not being awkward. What a wonderful little guy. I hope you both come to a good solution!

  27. Oh, that last comment was from me! Sometimes I forget to sign into the right account before I comment.

  28. What a beautiful heart he has. We need more kids like him today.


  29. oh goodness, he just has the sweetest little spirit ever! i would definitely say something. hoping everything turns around soon!
    xo TJ

  30. I am happy he likes school. He is cutie!

  31. this is Glenn. notice he is wearing a clip on tie. an homage to my father Landell


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