The Wallworks

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Emry participated in her schools talent /variety show last week. 

She sang '1,000 miles' by Vanessa Carlton.   It doesn't matter how much or little talent your child has, when you see them singing their heart out on stage you can't help but have the proudest, giddiest grin plastered on your face during the entire performance.

 There were so many great performances.  The girl in the red is bound for Broadway I am sure, the cute girl with bangs and the belted summer dress has the sweetest voice and mad talent on the piano & Emry, of course because she's my daughter, is pretty much capable of anything.

 There's the grin I was talking about.  Ridiculously proud.  

Lila loved it all.  Ethan on the other hand, you can tell by his face............................

that this was bound to happen.


  1. What a little performer! I was way to shy and nervous at her age to get up on stage like that. :) GO Emry!

    1. Yup me too, she gets it from her dad. Glenn is fearless.

  2. Good for her! She looks completely natural up there. And your son? I know that pose on the chair very well. "I'm bored out of my ever-loving mind!"

    1. Oh I know you are very familiar with it, haha. Emry is a natural. She may not be the best singer but she sure did have fun.

  3. Emry looks very much like you in that first photo! What a fun thing...Ethan does not look enthused! ;-)

    1. Awwww thanks, but in person she looks exactly like her dad, with my coloring though.

  4. Awesome! She looks so confident up there!! You should have posted a video! ;o)

    1. We could have, if we had charged our video camera. We can be the lamest parents.

  5. You have such a cute little fam! That is so wonderful that she has so much confidence! Love that

  6. Your kids are so precious and you can always see the love in all of their eyes. I have to say that when I got to Ethan on the chair...I cracked up. My youngest used to do that when she had to sit through things for her older sister. She enjoys them now but back in the day, the last thing she wanted to do was sit still for 2 hours. So funny!!

    1. Yup kids are all the same. When they're done, they're done!

  7. Congratulations to Emry...that takes a lot to get up on stage and show your talents.

  8. She is so cute up on stage!!! How fun to see her perform! I love the photo of Ethan on the chair =)

  9. Good for Emry! I love it! I love when the kids step outside of themselves and go all out! I love the confidence. So fun. Take care,


  10. She looks like she is totally comfortable on that stage- and born to perform! So cute- I can tell you are one proud mama. :)

  11. Aww, too sweet. And I agree with above comments--Emry seems so comfortable on stage! I don't think I'll ever be that okay with performing in public, haha (especially if it involves singing...).

    1. Oh I don't sing either, you would never want to hear me sing, Yikes!! Glenn on the other hand is pretty darn good.

    2. It would be nice to be able to carry a tune...but I guess we'll have to leave it those who can and find our own talents. Like baking. Can you do that at a talent show? Haha.

  12. ahh your children are so sweet marie! and i love the color of their hair, seriously naturally blonde, lucky!

  13. How awesome your daughter was in the talent show. I think my daughter wants to be in one but I'm not sure if she will have the courage to get up on stage.

  14. Go girl! She's awesome AND so proud of herself. I love it! I absolutely LOVE the faith you have in her - it's a Mama's joy!

  15. I just know she was worth every bit of that grin! He cracks me up!

  16. Your daughter holds herself with such confidence! She will go far in life if she keeps that attitude.

  17. The way Emry occupies the stage just kills me! I love that she didn't just hold the microphone but put some soul into the situation. What a special night for her. :)

  18. So wonderful! It feels like yesterday that I was performing in my school talent show. I do hope my boys will have an interest in performing in some way or another!

  19. She is at such ease on the stage. I used to sing on stage until I finished my Post graduation. Professional life was so hectic that I couldn't continue singing at all. I would love to see my daughter to do that someday. I will be as proud as you are! :D

  20. how fun! she looks so comfortable up there!!

  21. Aww you have such a cute family. I love the pic of Ethan totally over the whole sitting there quietly thing!


  22. hi Marie, that's wonderfully brave of your girl to go up and sing for everyone. I can imagine that smile on your face and that feeling in yor heart watching your girl up there. :)

  23. Next time invite me, because I'm sure there were plenty of classic moments.

  24. How fun to watch her sing her heart out!!! At least Ethan was on his chair and not running around- props for that!

  25. You can tell she was great! One of life's simple pleasures..... the school variety show! :)

  26. Wow. I never would have had the courage to get up and sing in front of everyone as a child (or as an adult)!

    I LOVE how your table and chairs came out in your last post. Please come to my house and redo my furniture too please.

    1. Haha, thanks, you saw them from afar, but actually they look good close too!

  27. Your kids are so unbelievably well-adjusted! I mean it. I can totally tell too (from my very non-adjusted eye). They are fearless - I love that.

    You should be ridiculously proud!

    1. Thanks Ameena, I am totally proud. Not that she's so talented (there are much better singers) but that she just goes for it. Life is short, we shouldn't limit ourselves because we're embarrassed or scared. I missed out on so much because of fears.

  28. I know I read this, but couldnt remember if I commented, so if this is a repeat, I apologize (and realize I could scroll to the top and see, but I have already started typing..). Your kids are so sweet and you should be proud. I wouldnt have the guts to sing in front of people, you go Emry!

    1. Thanks Kate, I wouldn't have either at that age, but I am glad she's the type of girl who will put herself out there, it makes for a more fun life!

  29. oh goodness, she looks adorable! and i'm sure she did AMAZING!
    xo TJ


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