The Wallworks

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Brothers & Sisters

    Kyle (# 7), Jeannette (#3), Adam ( #8), Marie (#5) Nielsen (#4)

My brothers were in town.  This always means a good time for all as they are fun, loud & crazy.  Adam lives deep in the mountains in Northern Ca, Nielsen lives in Santa Cruz, Ca, and Kyle lives in Utah and isn't going anywhere as his daughter lives there.

Some people prepare to see family by getting their hair done or buying new clothes.  My family tries to outdo each other with how long we've gone without washing our hair or how cheaply our clothes were bought for.  My mom is so proud I am sure.

Adam always wins as we're not sure he owns a bar of soap and we always force him into a shower.

I thought I was conservative but my brothers oh my goodness, I am not even sure they think women should vote.  But then again they think we should do away with government completely.  They're not too keen on cops which is funny seeing that cops always want to talk to them.

 When my Grandpa died he left behind his beloved coin shooter.  I guess it's Adam's now and once he started looking for treasure he turned into the Pied Piper.  He couldn't shake those kids no matter how hard he tried.  He did find an iphone so the kids thought we were rich.

My brood.  I've finally found a sunblock that works on my 'paleskins'.  It's made for surfers and it's called 'headhunters'.  That stuff does not come off!  My kids actually return from the beach paler than when they left.

Anna (Adams girlfriend) , me, Anna (Kyle's fiancee'), Jeannette

 Kyle, Anna & Iree 

Getting hitched next month.  Anna is smart, funny and couldn't love Iree more.  My brother's no dummy.

Rugrats.  Interrupters of conversations, bottomless pit stomachs, always needing to be watched, I need a drink-help me build a sandcastle-take me surfing-let me make myself as sandy as possible before you put more sunblock on me kids.

Time to go......


I love you all but it's good you left.  I don't think mom could fit any more food into her fridge, although I am sure she'd be happy to try.


  1. Hey my beautiful friend. I love this post because it's all about your sweet family. I'm dying over "the cops seem to want to talk to them" comment!!!! Funny Marie, funny, funny.

    That is the cutest bathing suit ever!!! The best one I've seen yet... :) Miss you and love you.


  2. Looks like you guys have fun together! I need some of that sunscreen for my family!

  3. Marie, you're so funny! I am jealous of your relationship with your siblings. I have two sisters and a brother and though we're somewhat close, it seems nothing like you and yours. :) Glad you guys had a good time!

  4. Your relatives got nothing on mine. They think the revolution is coming.

  5. Hey I just noticed you're wearing something under the bathing suit-what is that? So glad you have your family. This is why I have a big family-so they can have times like you so much,


    1. A bikini top for more support, the bathing suit is a tad stretched out.

  6. Okay one more thing...that sunscreen makes your kids look like they are wearing some sort of facial mask, awesome. That sunscreen is working for sure! :) And the kids following Adam is classic. Kalen was reading this over my shoulder and says, "what, they found an iphone? Why didn't they take a picture of it?" Um, because iphones are not the center of the universe... for real this you always,


    1. The sunblock is my new best friend. It stays on until you scrub it off, seriously, you have to use a facial scrub. Yes I worry about cancer (a little), but mainly with how much time we spend in the sun I don't want my girls to look like they're 50 when they're 30. We actually ordered a case of the stuff in 3 different colors. Pale (flesh colored) dark, and green. It is completely waterproof, it was created for surfers. Good stuff.

  7. You are such a bunch of beach bunnies!! I love these photos, Marie. It always looks like so much fun when your family gets together! Have a great weekend!!

  8. Your family sounds like so much fun! Haha... seeing who can go the longest without washing their hair :P Kind of wish I wasn't the only child :(

  9. Haha, I love that green monster sunblock. I need some of that stuff for long outdoor days!

    1. I was just saying (my comment above) how much I adore it. My kids are fair and regular sunblock is fine for days in the sun, but when they are in and out of the water all day long they need something serious. This stuff works! It's called 'Headhunters'. You can google it.

  10. So are there 8 of you total, with Adam as the baby? I am surprised he found a woman willing to live deep in the mountains with him without a bar of soap. ;o)

    I need to look for that sunblock. Me and Lexie glow like the vampires in Twilight when our skin sees sunlight.

    1. Not only did he find a girl but she ADORES him to no end. Yes, 8 total, I had one brother (would be the youngest) die at 3 months from Cystic Fibrosis. So Adam is the baby and you can definitely tell!

  11. "Adam always wins as we're not sure he owns a bar of soap and we always force him into a shower." That made me laugh yesterday and made me laugh today.. on the day I finally commented.

    Your siblings, i would like them as well.

    I'd like you to cook for me and for your siblings to be my siblings.. So adoption might be the best route.

  12. How wonderful! I love getting together with the sibs but glad it is not a weekly occurrence!

  13. What a special time with your family! You are so blessed. Thanks for visiting my blog and for your lovely comment! It really made me smile.
    I want to follow your blog but I can't find an option on your side bar!

  14. Big fam! My mom has 8 brothers and sisters as well as my bf does too. One of his sisters has 10 and is currently pregnant... crazy! I love the last pic of you guys.

  15. What a special family! Your sister and you look remarkably alike. Your brothers sound like a bunch who would have bullied you when you were younger :-) I bullied my younger brother because for the longest time I was bigger and he was so puny.
    To have a such a beautiful family and to be able to meet them is such a blesing!

  16. hahaha. gotta love a day at the beach. i was definitely one of those interrupters not too long ago. i'm glad the grown-ups put up with it, though... beach days with my family are some of my very favorite memories. building drip castles with my mom, and eating PB&J sandwiches on the boogie boards with my brothers. :-)

  17. Gorgeous pictures...your entire family is just stunning. In this effortless, beachy sort of way that I've always tried to (but failed to) achieve.

    Hope you are having a great Sunday so far Marie!

  18. You crack me up with how you described your family. Love how you all try to out-ragamuffin each other!

    The kids are adorable!

  19. It looks like you had so much fun!! Love all of the pictures. You're family sounds a lot like mine, loud and fun :)

  20. I can only imagine the fun when you all get together and the must be amazing! I loved looking at all of the photos. Congrats to your brother and his soon to be marriage!

  21. I can't imagine trying to feed the whole group, I can barely feed my 2 girls.

  22. That looks like so much fun and makes me want the beach. And my family.

  23. It looks like your family has a lot of fun together!

  24. Always fun to be with your family. I think this is a great way to enjoy the beach - all those special people with you.

  25. What a great trip to the beach for you all and how fantastic that you all got to be together.

    Cops like to talk to them? That is pretty funny, but given your brother's disdain for soap there might be cause.

    I hope you all continue to have a wonderful summer.


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