The Wallworks

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

My sister-in-law Amy told me we were to dress as Indians & Pilgrims for Thanksgiving............ apparently she wasn't kidding.  Here are her two boys Spencer & Steve, so funny!

The past 3 years I have hosted Thanksgiving and as much as I love having my family here, it was really nice after all the birthday parties to just get away & let someone else do most of the work.

We spent Thanksgiving with Glenn's family in Clovis, CA.  We stayed with Glenn's sister Amy, her husband Dave and their four children.  Amy and Dave are wonderful hosts, they had Pero stocked, homemade coconut scones were made, card games were played until late, late at night, and of course they not only put up with but lavished love upon my children.

This picture doesn't tell the whole story.  We had 39 people at Amy & Dave's for a Thanksgiving Feast!  It was loud, it was rowdy, and it was GOOD!

This was one of two tables outside.  It was slightly freezing cold, but we just told the kids that's how the Indians & Pilgrims did it.  And then we locked the door.

My father-in-law bakes his own pumpkins for pumpkin pie.  When I ate it topped with fresh whipped cream it was still warm and too good for words.  By the time I left Amy's house I had tried every single pie, that's why egg whites featured prominently in all of my meals today.

The Wallwork men.  Scott, Keith, Landell, Glenn & Mark. 

Yawn.  What else is new?

Glenn's mom and sisters are outstanding cooks so it was such a treat to enjoy all of their yummy homemade food.   Mother LoRane, sisters Karen & Amy. 

This was a  2000 piece puzzle we worked on for hours and put together maybe 150 pieces.  I have a feeling it's in the trash right about now.

My kids can't be near a pool and not get in.  It was freezing, the pool wasn't heated  & we didn't bring bathing suits.  That didn't stop my kids.  They swam for all of 5 minutes.

Emry, Lila & Ethan.  Definitely grateful for these cherubs in my life.  Love them so much.

Here's a self-portrait taken Thanksgiving night because as usual I was so busy taking pictures I didn't get any of me with my family.  I swear I was there and I have the extra  pounds to prove it.   I am just planning on eating good & exercising tons so I can.............. gain it all back during the Christmas Holidays????? Arrrgggghhhhh!!!!


  1. Wow, the pies look delicious. I'm so glad you all had such a good time. That first picture is hilarious!!!!! How did your daughter like shooting? I think Gwyneth would like it. Love you and glad you are home safely.

    Shauna xoxoxxoox

  2. Daughters like shooting? They both went...

  3. Looks like a blast. Such a blessing to have such a large family!

  4. Looks like a wonderful family time, Marie! Too funny that you put the kids outside! Love the self portrait, too! Have a great day!

  5. looks wonderful! those guys look hilarious and the pies delicious!

  6. 39 people?? Oh my gosh, what a crowd! I can't even imagine--holidays are always just me and my parents (plus my best friend too this year). Quiet and calm. But still lots of pie ;D

    1. How differently we grew up. With 8 siblings our table was always full, and now that we all have kids the noise isn't going anywhere. A few years ago when my parents didn't live here I had all my siblings at my house for Christmas. Each family got a room, it was crowded to say the least. I am pretty relaxed about all the commotion but the one rule I had was that people leave their shoes outside. I could care less if people wear their shoes in my home, but my sister has 2 teenage boys and their shoes,when off, stunk up my house!

    2. Ewww, teenage boys...

  7. Aww this seemed like an amazing thanksgiving. Wow that's a lot of pie! It's ok to indulge ones in a while and you couldn't have possibly gained that much weight in one night :P

    1. No I er, ahem of course love the holidays so I started celebrating early and ate my way through the week. I didn't necessarily pig out, but everything I ate was rich. If it was only 1 night I'd be fine, alas it wasn't.

  8. As always I want to join in on your family fun! I love that you told the kids to eat outside like the pilgrims did, I seriously laughed out loud.

  9. Oh my goodness I would not have been able to resist those stacks of pies. What a lovely bunch of family and 39 people is quite a few to host at a home, but a pat on the back to them for doing it.

  10. Oh my goodness I have never seen that many pies! haha I am cheering for your healthy efforts! I guess that is one good thing about being pregnant over the holidays- I don't have to worry about my waist as much. And you guys look like you had such a blast! I can't blame your kids about the pool- sometimes I'm the same way :)

  11. What a wonderful gathering! Glad you got a break from hosting duties.

  12. I remember having to sit with the other kids at another table because their were so many of us. I still sit with them! Their company is always the best. That's a lot of pie! Love the last shot of you.

  13. It's a little weird even to me you not being the host. :) But, it looks like you had a wonderful time!
    Taking photo of yourself was a great idea! It's a pretty photo. :)

    1. Oh bless you. I'll be back to hosting duties in a few weeks & I can't wait. In fact I just printed up the recipe for those coconut scones ( ) they and many more delicious things will be made. The recipe says it makes 6 scones but I will cut out 12 because the crunchy outer layer is the best part.

  14. LOL that you had to taste every single pie! I suspect I might have felt the need to do the same, even if just a forkful. All that wrestling makes me think of my brothers!

  15. That looks like so much fun! I dream of owning a double oven. Maybe someday? Um, oldest looks THRILLED to be sitting and freezing outside. You HAVE to lock the door or they'd keep coming in for...stuff.

    1. Actually Emry's a good sport. I think I take so many pictures she was just trying to mix it up with the weird/mad face. Glenn's sister's house is amazing. Not just 2 ovens but 2 staircases as well, so you know, you have a choice. As spacious and nice as it is I prefer cleaning a house half the size :)

  16. Can I please come next year? I'll help with your pie problem.

  17. Love part about locking the door! ;)

  18. Cool deal including

  19. Absolutely perfect!!! I'm so glad you were able to get away and just enjoy the day!

  20. I love this post! We sure did have a terrific time last week. So glad you and your adorable family could visit us. Love you

  21. It looks like you had a great Thanksgiving! Your family always has so much fun!


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