The Wallworks

Friday, February 8, 2013


1. Name & meaning?
- Emry Glenn Wallwork.  Emry means brave leader, I looked it up online.  Glenn's my dad's name.

2. What's the best thing about being you?
- I am always happy!

3.What's great about being part of your family?
- We're different. We have our own thing.  After we do chores we end up doing a lot of fun stuff.

4. What's your favorite book?
- I think 'Divergent', it's really good. I really like 'The Mysterious Benedict Society' & 'Harry Potter' & 'Struck by Lightening'.  I don't know, I like a lot of books.

5. You in 3 words.
- Funny.  Spontaneous.  Outgoing.

6. Favorite Memory.
- I really like all my memories of theme parks, I love my memories of roller coasters.  Usually I am with you or Dad.

7. Favorite Quote.
- "Always live up to your dreams.  Unless your dream is stupid."

8. Proudest Achievement.
- When I swam the (Oceanside) Pier, it was really hard and fun. Making honor roll every year.  Getting into video announcements.

9. What's your favorite thing your mom makes?
- You make so much good stuff!  Caramel Corn.  You chop fruit very good, I always love fruit.

10. What do you want to be when you grow up?
- A Plastic Surgeon or an Anesthesiologist.

11. What do you know for sure?
- That I've made good friends.  That they love and respect me.

12. What do you look forward to?
-Driving, Disneyland, ASB, High School, Swimming, P.E., getting a big dog, having a boyfriend, joining a gym and going to Zumba, working at the Apple store.

13.  What's the best thing about.......
Lila - She's a loyal little sister, really sweet and funny.
Ethan- hmmm.....He's good at sports.
Mom in one word- Love
Dad in one word- Fun

14.  What do you believe in?
- Being honest & true.

15. Favorite saying.
- I love you.


  1. Great, this is a good one to be first at.

    I agree, you do chop fruit really good. :)

    Wow, looking forward to having a boyfriend...our kids are growing up!

    I love all of her answers. It's clear she is coming from a home where everything seems as it should be. That's so great Marie. I agree that you have your own thing, you're just a great family. All my love,

    Shauna xoxoxo

  2. What a sweet heart. And it's so neat to see her heart in this interview. Girl has that head on straight! Love 11, 14 and 15. Oh and I love that you named guys passed on daddy's name as her middle name.

  3. So sweet - she'll love looking back on this in 10 years!

  4. This is so cute...and I love that your kids middle names are all Glenn. I think it's brilliant actually!

    And I agree with Biz...she'll love this in a few years.

  5. PS: A plastic surgeon? So impressive. I think I wanted to be a weather girl when I was that age!

  6. Please write a book on how to raise children! What a sweet interview.

  7. What a sweet child. Never knew she wanted to be a doctor :) Plastics is actually really cool unless you're dealing with burns :S

  8. This is awesome and so terribly cute!

    Nike O.

  9. This is oh-so-cute! What a sweet, sweet child =)

  10. Em! Love to read what you wrote! Just like your Mama! xoxoThira

  11. I love her quote!!!! But she is excited for a boyfriend...NO! Those things just can't happen (I tell my daughter that all the time...but then she is only 3).

    This was very fun to read Marie!

  12. She sounds like a great kid! I love how she's looking forward to getting a big dog! You know, Great Danes are a lot of fun...

  13. she is way too pretty. you need to hide her from the boys!!!! cute blog!

  14. Haha, totally not surprising that this spunky kid of yours would go for the hair chop :) And should I feel bad that I'm (sort of) an adult, and Divergent is up there on my list of favorite books too? ;D

  15. She is so sweet and wise for her age. You should do this every year so that you can look back and see the answers.


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