The Wallworks

Monday, March 4, 2013

Out of Towners

 Glenn's sister Amy and her husband Dave came from Clovis, CA to visit us over the weekend.  It was great fun having 2 other people in the house for our kids to jump on.  Amy and Dave are the best sports and love our kids so much.  Their four kids are all adults now so it's somewhat of a fun novelty for them to be around our spaztastic kids for a few days.

Saturday found in us Old Town Temecula walking up and down Main Street.  There are so many charming antique stores but of course the only 2 stores my kids care about are the Candy Store and the Root Beer Shop.

 And somehow after all our sightseeing the kids sneakily led us to a park since they were high on sugar.

 Fun day, fun weekend, fun times.  It went way too fast, but gets me excited for warmer weather, more company and all the summer fun I have planned.  Thanks for coming Amy & Dave.  And the kids thank you for all the girl scout cookies and candy you left behind.


  1. I'm guessing you weren't alllllllllll that upset about stopping for rootbeer and candy. ;)

  2. rootbeer? I am in!

    Your kids are pure genius...but I suspect you already knew that :)

    I hope you are having a wonderful Monday Marie.

  3. Love your pics! Looks like a super cute downtown area. I don't have any kids, but I have been known for giving my friend's kids too much candy and they go home in a sugar craze! Woopsy! Hope you're having a good day!


  4. So sweet (literally!). Temecula looks like such a cute town. We are heading back to San Diego for a little vacation in a few weeks and I'd love to make the detour.

    1. I am sure you know we are known for our wineries, but with the babe on the way that probably isn't in your future :)

  5. I love that playground picture of your three kids!

    Seeing friends is always great!

  6. Seems like you guys had a great weekend. The pics remind me of my day in Key west(Idk why though!)

  7. I love downtown Temecula, you took me there once with the your kids. So cute, I love little towns like this. Glad you got in a good visit with your family. Happy Tuesday,

    Shauna xoxox

  8. Root bee store and a candy shop?? Yup, I would totally want to hit those too. ;)


  9. Have room for one more in your brood? Sugar and trips? I'm in!!!

  10. i recognize old town temecula. my husband and i come down a lot and there is a group of three other bloggers we meet up on a regular basis in old town temecula since it is the midway for the four of us

  11. Uh, a root beer shop? You know how I think root beer floats should be their own food group, right?

  12. My in-laws were in all weekend and my mom bought Ben a cake last night. I scraped off the icing and ate it and was bouncing off the walls. I felt five again. :)

  13. Root beer shop?? Okay, I'm not a soda drinker in general, but a GOOD root beer? Now that's a treat! (Especially if you add some ice cream and make a float...) Glad you got in some good family time!

  14. having friends/relatives come visit is always a good time! I'm glad to hear you guys had so much fun!

  15. That's how I feel when I am with my sister and her kids - her youngest is 11 and I forgot how busy little kids are!!

  16. old town temecula looks like a blast! i'll have to put that on my list of places to visit :)

  17. Oh this does look like a fun day; then again any day that includes a candy and root beer store has to be fabulous!

  18. That was so much fun. Dave & I do love you guys. I always wish we lived closer. Thanks for hosting us.


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