The Wallworks

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Mommy Dearest

There is nothing more important to me than raising good kids.  I am sure we all feel like this, but all go about it in our different ways.  My way may not be the right way for everyone, and I've fore sure taken missteps here and there, but I am very intentional about my choices.

When I first became a mother many of my mom friends were recommending parenting books right and left to me.  Nothing sounded more tedious to me than reading a parenting book.  My way has always been to go with my gut.  To be strong in my religion and then just follow my heart.

My heart told me I wanted curious kids.  Since Emry was old enough to walk we spent our days at the park.  I was the first one there and the last to leave.   She would climb and eat sand.  Slide and run around for hours.  When I was pregnant with Lila I remember being so sick just laying on the grass watching Emry play, hoping and praying she wouldn't ask me to push her on the swing.  She always did.  But in the end all that mattered was my child was in the fresh air having fun and entertaining herself with nature.

After Lila was born and we moved to Temecula we spent our mornings at the pool.  We arrived at pretty much 9am every single morning, most of the time we would be the only ones there.  I would hold baby Lila and push Emry back & forth to the pool steps for hours.  Emry swam on her own at 2 1/2.  People were always amazed  when they saw her, but if they only knew we were there 3 hours every day it wouldn't have seemed so miraculous.

Ethan was born and .................... you get the picture.  That's it.  That's what I did.  I explored and ran, read and played, laughed and colored.  At times playing barbies made my eyes roll in the back of my head, but I did it.  I considered it my job.  The most important one.  I loved it then and I still do.

For sure I had my moments when I threw on 'Cinderella', but those moments were few and far between.  As much work as it is to parent sans T.V. and video games, nothing made me happier than seeing my kids at the end of the day with a million books fanned out around them in bed.  Their bedtime was always early because I then had a million Lego & puzzle pieces to put away, science experiments to wash off counters and floors, and forts to dismantle.

I have regrets for sure.  I am hoping my kids won't remember the times I seethed with anger, lost my cool and had expectations that were extremely inappropriate for their age. But I've learned patience is a must, and you gotta just go with the flow of their crazy antics or else you'll wind up in the looney bin.

Every day I tell them I love them.  Every day we pray as a family.  Every day we do homework together.  Every day I expect them to help each other and me.  Every day we are silly.  Every day we have at least one treat along with all the healthy stuff.

These kids are my heart.  Preparing them to lead a rich and wondrous life, to always be curious, to lose themselves in learning, to figure out solutions, to love adventure and good food, to be open to trying new things, to put faith ahead of fear, to truly love others and believe in themselves enough to fall down and get right back up is my greatest wish, hope, dream and goal.


  1. Nobody is perfect, but it's nice to know that you're very conscious of how you're doing this mothering gig. It makes me happy when I see people who appreciate the blessing it is! :)

    1. Oh I do, I do, I do. It's the greatest gift, blessing and life! Even though I came from a huge family & wanted lots of kids I never took for granted the fact that I was able to have kids. With each one I felt so blessed and knew there was a possibility they could be my last. I know so many woman who struggle with infertility, even after they have a child or two.

  2. I read tons of parenting books and then still go with my gut :)

    I think you are an awesome mom - and that picture is fantastic!

  3. I've always admired this about you. I've learned so much from you. Good for you for being able to go with your gut when there is so much around to give distraction from "our gut." Love you,

    Shauna xo

  4. I, like you, never wanted to read parenting books. The only book I read about babies was "Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy" and that was to keep up with the baby's growth in utero.

    Huge doses of the natural environment is good for kids and lets them thrive. They release stress and allow their imaginations to take over.

    I have the most fun watching my kids play in the backyard. They get out various gardening tools or extra pieces of wood and just make their own worlds.

    1. Speaking of pregnancy (and your post on thrifting) Every single thrift store I ever go to always has at least a few copies of 'What to Expect when you're expecting'. I always shudder to think woman are paying full price for that book when there's a million copies floating around at all the various thrift stores.

      Your parenting style seems similar to mine so I know you know of the mess of which I speak :)

  5. Love this and your parenting style. Yes - I'm guilty of the comments you mention, but I just think you are one that does the whole mommy thing really really well. I love seeing pictures of you being silly, having fun etc with your kids. I really appreciate how you feel so blessed to be a mom and how you view it as your job.

    1. I do view it as my job (the best job in the world to me). I have unfortunately many friends who let their kids play computer/watch TV for 3-4 hours a day and I think, if I was your husband I would fire you. It is stressful for sure but there is so, so much joy to be found in giving in completely to the experience.

  6. Being a single parent I wish I could have spent more time with Hannah growing up, but I like to think that she and I made the most of the time we did have together.

    She's turned into a bright, caring, wonderful woman and I couldn't be prouder of her!

    1. I hope to say the same thing when my kids are out there in the world.

  7. I find your blog so encouraging! And your emails. Being Mom isn't easy. It is wonderful to have your example!

    1. Like I always tell you, you're at the toughest stage. It's all uphill from here :)

  8. Marie! Thanks for stopping by! If I got it right it was your daughters birthday too! How exciting. She will now be in YM! How fun! I can't wait to spend some time reading past post. I sadly listened to the opinions of others when raising my children early on and read those stupid books. Now, I find love goes a long long way.

  9. I think it is wonderful that you shared this. A lot of moms in my generation think parenting books and baby Einstein is the only way, but fresh air and curiosity is SO much better!

    1. I never understood baby Einstein. Kids shouldn't even be interested in TV until after 2 years of age. It needs to be noted, these people are trying to make money, that's all it really is.

  10. Wow! I can really see how great a mom you are and how you love your kids very much. I know how difficult it is to raise 3 kids all at the same time but you seem to do it gracefully and effortlessly. Thank you for sharing your wonderful story. :)

  11. Such a beautiful, beautiful post, Marie. Reminds me why I follow your blog so religiously. There's so much I learn from every post of yours. The picture is really worth a million words but your words,.... just put everything into perspective.

  12. You are my mothering role model. Seriously.

    1. I second that ;) Honestly you sound like one cool mom! Don't worry about making mistakes, we all do it :D

    2. I third that!!! I hope I can be like you.
      I'm too impatient at times & I know that not so cool.

  13. You've inspired me all over again Marie! We've been in a funk lately with the cold weather, endless bouts of sickness, and two feet of snow on the ground outside... We've been zapped of energy and relying way too much on the boob tube to entertain us... I need to start getting some puzzles and legos back out... I need us to start baking again...I need to get our boots on and explore... Thanks for this awesome post...I needed reminding as to what it takes to develop curious minds and lasting memories.

  14. And...I think you've just shown how awesome of a mom you are all over again! Every mom loses their cool every once in a happens. BUt it's the rest of it that really counts.

  15. i love this. you are such an encouragement via the love you have for your kids!!!

  16. i love this!! i love your honesty, too.

  17. I'm not joking when I say that I aspire to be more like you...really, I doubt your idea of "seething with anger" is anything like mine! I don't find motherhood easy...not sure I was meant for this. I struggle. I aspire! It's great to read your honesty here Marie. Your kids are lucky...very lucky.

    Hope you are having a great weekend.

    1. Oh I am pretty sure mine's just as bad if not worse. Kids can drive you right to the brink. They're lucky they're worth it.

  18. You ARE such a good momma! It is a tough job and easy to get disappointed in ourselves, but being the best we can be is giving our kids in the world!! Thanks for these words!

  19. Oh I love this! Being a Mama is such a blessing. And the biggest, most important job! I have days where I feel like I'm doing it all wrong. But I'm trying :)

  20. I love your blog, your cute family, and your take on parenting. So glad you visited my blog so I could follow you back here and read all about your world. I'll definitely be back!

  21. What a wonderful post Marie! I loved your blog and that there is something new that I want to read each time I visit it. You are a wonderful mommy and the things you do sound like SO much fun. Being a mom and a homemaker can sometimes be a thankless job. But there is nothing that I would rather be doing.
    Thanks for sharing.

  22. You are a good mama! I can tell how much your kids adore you and how much you adore them!

  23. This is such a beautiful post. I love your ideas about parenthood and playing and exploring every day.


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