The Wallworks

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Year in the Making

Judging by how much attention Ethan gets for his hair, then yes, blondes do have more fun.  When he was little it was white, and now it's just stayed super blonde.  People always comment and ask where he gets it and I just say with a straight face it's because he's an angel. 

As fun and cute as it is having his hair long, there's actually a legitimate reason we haven't cut it in a year.  And that reason is 'Crazy Hair Day'.

Last Year Ethan had long hair as well and cut it into a Mohawk and got so much attention he wanted to do the same thing this year.

I had crazy hair day on my calendar for weeks.  I was so excited to cut off all those locks.  But literally moments before we were going to shave his head Lila says that crazy hair day was canceled.  What?  I called some friends and sure enough it was.  Hence the long hair on his baptism day.  After all this time he wasn't about to cut it before crazy hair day.

So as we're getting ready for school this morning my sister calls and says that TODAY is crazy hair day.  Say What?   I was chaperoning Ethan's class on Monday to Legoland.  I was sick yesterday, and I guess my kids didn't get the memo because we ran around like chickens with our heads cut off this morning shaving heads (Ethan's cousin Nathan's as well) making Mohawks high with hair spary, running to Walmart to get said hair spray. Spraying on color and taking pictures.

But we made it.  Kind of.  Walmart doesn't carry the hair spray that Glenn's prefers for this feat, but we made do with some gel.

And poor Lila, she had to make do with a few pony tails and some spray color as we spent most of the time on Ethan.

Enjoy your Cool Punk Rock status while it lasts Ethan and Nathan, cause it's all coming off today!  Love you little Crazies!

* A Huge thank you to those of you who talked me off the ledge of no comments and made me relax with the whole issue.  Seriously, thank you, I appreciate it a ton.  The words of wisdom are heard, noted and being put into place.


  1. I am so glad you put comments back on! That hair is incredible. I hope you are back to being healthy!

  2. I love the new design about as much as I love Ethan's hair...seriously that is pure awesomeness.

    Glad you are letting us comment again, I would have missed saying "Hi" otherwise.

    I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday Marie :)

  3. I'm glad you left your comments on! No need to respond...I read because I want to and comment because I want to!

  4. Oh, and I hit publish too soon! ;) I love their crazy hair!

  5. Haha crazy hair day. Those are always fun :)
    Just watch, Ethan will probably have girls chasing after him when he gets older lol because of his pretty hair.

    Yay for putting comments back on :D

  6. wow thats some crazy hair ;).
    Thanks for putting the comments back on, we ♥ ya

  7. I am glad you put the comments back. I was going to email you to say that I will miss commenting because I admire and adore your family so much, but then realized that would be taking up the exact time you are wanting back, so I didn't. Enjoy the nice things people have to say and all the reason we come back again and again and don't worry for a second about not responding. It is so important to have that balance.

    With all that said, love Ethan's hair-do!

  8. Beautiful blog design.

    I'm so glad you didn't leave the comments off. I felt hurt! Can't explain it but I have met a number of my blog buddies and they become a kind of family to me! When we were on msn spaces it was like that.

  9. That's such crazy hair! He does have beautiful blonde hair though and I like it long.

  10. I LOVE the leopard pants with the multiple ponys! What I want to know is how you do your hair. Is that a french braid?

    1. Yes, I started on the right side of my head and wrapped it around and then pinned it, super easy.

  11. Roman would get a kick out of that! He is been begging me to let him have a Mohawk! I totally agree with wasting time with some blogs. It is weird I followed one blog for year and I know she made money from her blog. Then about a year or so ago her blog completely changed with guest bloggers and it became more a magazine. Actually, I can think of another blog that did the same thing and now I don't follow them anymore. I guess everyone blogs for different reasons. Yes, Portland is a great city and has a ton of really cool antique shops. It is a very unique city in it's feel. It is a cross of Europe meets Berkley. I say take a road trip. Your family would love it! What is nice is that it is an hour to the beach (Cannon being my favorite) and an hour to the Mountains and skiing (Mt. Hood). Voodoo doughnut is the best and I think it has one of the largest bookstores in the world. You can find many books there that are out of print.

  12. Sweet mohawk, I love that you let your kids do crazy stuff like this. My daughter has the white hair, too, and I get a little sick of all the questions about where she got it. The angel answer is good!

  13. Wow, I wish we had a crazy hair day here! Ethan has such beautiful hair--blonde, wavy... My little boy had this color until last year; I wish he could have kept it for a while longer. My hair turned in my 20's, so now I get help from a bottle. He is a true angel...even as a rock star! How fun!

  14. I just read your previous post, and I understand completely. I've made wonderful bloggy friends that just decided to stop blogging one day because they didn't want to be tied to the computer anymore. However, they stopped altogether, and I miss them. I think you have the best idea; enjoy life, and then keep posting and reading when you can with no commitments. I used to post three times per week, and now I'm down to just once. I lost lots of bloggy friends this way, but alas, you said it the best...the blog is for me and my family and the few friends that want to keep in touch. I'm not looking for any popularity awards here. Enjoy this lovely weekend and the time w/ your children that you'll never get back :)

  15. Love the hair, unfortunately my son is going through a stage of brushing his hair and can't stand it if it's messy or crazy style- maybe he will grow out of it soon.
    You kids are soo cute!

  16. Yeah! Glad your comments are back. While I read all the comments, I only reply when I have time - life is too short if you feel guilty about not responding to all of them, and I think regular readers don't really care - we just like to share the blog love!

    LOVE all the hair!!

  17. One, so happy that your comments are back! Don't let them stop you from making connections! Two, Ethan's hair turned out so awesome! You're such a fun mom!!!

  18. i am so glad your comments are back!!!! you are such a COOL MAMA. your kids' dos are amazinggggg!

  19. oh. my. word. that mohawk is AMAZING!! :)

    love you girl.


  20. The blog design is GORGEOUS!! I'm loving it!!

    And Ethan's mohawk does look adorable, I must say.

  21. I totally understand what you said about the comments in your last post. I feel the same way! I feel terrible when I don't respond to all the comments and when I do I find that I'm neglecting other things that should be a priority.

    I feel your pain!

    Love the mohawk and your new blog design.

    1. Thanks Ameena. Still figuring out some kinks with the design, but I am in no hurry, as you know I am trying to stress less here and be more productive elsewhere :)

  22. I love the fun hair and his long locks are gorgeous. I'm glad that you decided to keep the comments open, I enjoy reading about you and your family regardless :) Also I'm super excited about the thrifting tab addition to the blog.

  23. The new design is lovely. Classic n "calm. " we've ever had crazy hair day here, but I love the idea. Maybe we should have one for fun.

  24. They are too adorable!! I love the new look of the blog! Sorry I've been a no show again for a bit but the A to Z Challenge had me whooped. You took off comments? I didn't know that! I like to tell you what I think!! ;-)


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