The Wallworks

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Veganize Me

I actually don't like the term Vegan.  It implies all things taken out of your diet, I much prefer the term Plant Based diet.

I changed my eating habits literally overnight, (although I was a vegetarian for most of my 20's).  I didn't see a movie or read a book, I just woke up one day 2 months ago and knew things had to drastically change with my diet.  I believe in the saying that when you do the same thing you get the same results.

I need different results.  I want to heal my arthritis.

Do I think this will do the trick?  I don't know, but I am willing to try.  If anything it will be good for my body regardless.

This was not hard for me.  At all.  I eat pretty healthy on a day to day basis.  Lots of vegetables and fruit.  Grains and lentils.  Nuts and seeds.

Truth be told dairy sneaks it's way in in the form of a handful of chocolate chips, a salad I've been given that has some cheese in it, or bread that's been made with a bit of milk.

I have no desire to eat meat.  I also have no desire to eat processed dairy & meat substitutes.  The whole point of me eating this way is to eat fresh, whole foods.

But I also will not bring it up when I am a guest in someone's home if there is dairy in my food.

So obviously I am not die hard, but I would say it's in the high 99 percentile of no dairy.

So basically I've been carbo-loading.  I know it's totally uncool and the opposite of what everyone else is doing, but it feels right for me.


  1. Wait, uncool and opposite? Huh, I think Vegan's are pretty popular, here in the bay area for sure.

    So guess what? I just did my first cleanse and I was going to call you and tell you about it, but I got really busy.

    The cleanse I found at Costco. It's comes with three drinks and they are called Sambazon. Her drinks are really popular at WF. Anyhow, the three drinks come with a whole routine of foods and it's all planned out, meals, etc., for three days. And I loved it. It's a vegan based diet that you are following. I liked it because after the three days you've gotten into a routine of eating whole, quality foods and the hope is to continue on. I had overnight oats for the first time and I love it!!! I've been eating that for the last two weeks for breakfast.

    I have little desire for meat as well. My kids love it to death. :) I love eggs too much to be a complete vegan. I just love them.

    On that note, I hope this will help with your RA. I think it's a good step. Good luck, I love you. Talk soon,


    I have your package ready to mail tomorrow for April!!!! I just love sending you stuff and surprising you.

    1. Most everyone I know is on some form of Paleo or low carb, that's what I meant when I said it's the opposite of what everyone is doing. I can count the number of vegans I know personally on 1 finger, oh, and I guess now me, so 2.

      Overnight oats are awesome, do you add nut butter into them? My favorite is TJ's sunflower butter, it's so sticky and yummy.

      I've seen those juices at Costco, not for me, I love chewing my food way too much :)

      As for the kids, I've almost stopped cooking meat entirely and they don't even seem to notice. Clueless much?

  2. Honestly, just give being a vegan a try and then see how things go. Doesn't hurt to try right? I know what you mean though about not being die hard for it and not mentioning it when you visit guests. Just do what you feel is right for you and let us know how it goes :)

    1. I will, I am always willing to try and impact my health in a positive way and I can't see how this won't.

  3. I hope this helps you, Marie! I haven't been able to go vegan because I'm having a tough time giving up cheese. No problem with milk, I don't drink it and only use soy or almond milk for cereal and oatmeal. I really need to go on a search for some good soy cheeses, but I don't see them in the local stores. I'll have to go further afield I guess. I know for sure, having been vegetarian for over 20 years (I can't really remember when I started...sometime after starting Weight Watchers) that I'm so much healthier than I could be. I'm so much healthier than other people my age. I look forward to hearing about your progress. Here's to no pain!!

    1. Avocados have been my cheese substitute. I adore strong cheese in my daily salads, so I needed a substitute for that.

  4. Whatever works!! I kind of went vegetarian overnight also and have never looked back. I'll be interested to hear how your arthritis responds!

  5. I hope this change helps you out and I am excited to read about it along the way.

  6. Will certainly want to read more about it. I think two months is a good time, to be on a plabt based diet. I have huge respect for you--I couldnt liwithout eggs for a single day. My mom thinks I'm nuts--you must have heard about hot hot it gets in India YET I need to eat eggs!!!

  7. Good for you, girl! Health is so important!!! I'm excited to see if this new diet helps you out! :-)

  8. yay, go marie!!! i love eating healthy too (lots of veggies, fruits, whole grains, etc). if you're in socal anytime soon, you should try veggie grill - best vegan restaurant ever! :)

    1. I live in Temecula, I think you'r in L.A. right? I rarely make it up there, too busy, but if I am I will for sure check it out.

  9. Whatever works. Trader Joe's chocolate chips were vegan last time I looked.

  10. Shoot, whatever makes you feel better is the way to go!

  11. I went vegan for a while but it wasn't for me...I became too obsessive about everything I ate. Now I eat fish and eggs but no beef or chicken. Not much milk either because my skin does not like it!

    Good for you...I say do what makes you feel the best.

  12. I feel I would be one mighty unhappy girl without my carbs and I both understand and appreciate that bit...meat I could eventually live to be without (maybe) lol...kudos to you, my friend!

  13. Keep us posted on how you go and if you feel any big differences.. Here, in India every second person is a vegetarian due to cultural and religious reason (and health also) so its very common here. Sometimes I am in two minds about meat..I feel sometimes you need it for protein , but then feel vegetables can provide you with the nutrients too...I guess do what's best for your body ;-)

  14. I really hope it works for you, Marie! Modern medicine doesn't have all the answers. I know it's failed me on more than one occasion, so I really do hope that the diet change will bring you some relief. I, too, could easily go without meat, but I'd have a much harder time giving up dairy and eggs.

  15. I hope the change in diet is helpful to you. I have a digestive issue and I've been tinkering with my diet for about a year now and knowing what foods cause me pain has really helped me to feel better. Good luck to you.

  16. I hope it works for you! My mom is on an arthritis diet where she only ways grain that has been sprouted.

  17. Oops only Eats. Cell phone typing.

  18. i just read your post are so inspiring. such great thoughts. i will definitely still be stopping by, friend. :)


  19. I had wondered if you were a vegan when I saw your Easter table! As for turning off your comments if that is what you need to do then that is what you need to do! Blogging should be for fun and not to promote comments. While I always enjoy hearing from those who read my blog, I have never felt the need to respond to the comments. If I have time fine, but if I don't then I believe that is fine to! I started blogging for the same reason you did and have found it is a perfect format for keeping a journal. Thanks for giving us a peek into your life and sharing that awesome roll recipe! I am going to make them again this weekend for a funeral for a man who was in our ward.

  20. Ha! I see many of us have found a way around your turning off your comments! We're a sneaky bunch, us bloggers! ;-)

    I totally get where you are coming from with turning off the comments. I love knowing you and how you inspire me to be more me and to keep on supporting my girls in the way I do...with a lot of heart.

    I'll still be reading and enjoying the ride right along with you! xo

  21. I hope this helps you!
    I was a vegetarian from the time I was 8 until I was 21. I started eating a bit of meat here and there, but I really don't like it. I prefer fruits and vegetables!


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