The Wallworks

Friday, February 11, 2011

Big Enough

Ethan, Emry & Lila Wallwork 2005

I love my kids.  Of course I do, I have 3 of them.  As much as I loved my babies, holding them, snuggling with them, their chubby hands, their toothless grins, it was a tremendous amount of work.  The house was usually a mess.  It was clean, but their were puzzles, books, dress-ups, food, etc., etc.  I always thought how nice it would be when the oldest was big enough to help out with the younger ones.

Well it was actually sooner than I thought.  Emry was 4 when she would change Lila's (2yrs.) diaper.  I was sick and pregnant with Ethan and sometimes couldn't bring myself to move unless absolutely necessary.  So I would say, "Is it a poo or pee diaper?"  Emry would check and if it was just pee I would have her change it.  She has always been a great helper, but we all know you can only get so much done with kids in the house.

These rooms represent a new time of life for me.  A time when Emry can take her siblings to the park around the corner for an hour so I can clean in peace.  It's a dream.  A DREAM!  No one right behind me messing things up as I clean.  No one asking for a snack/ a favor/ my time.  No kid noise, just me and the vacuum.

The children can be very helpful.  Taking out the garbage, cleaning the bathrooms, vacuuming out the car, giving the dog a walk and bath.  But sometimes I just want to take matters into my own hands.

As much as they help and "help", It's nice to do it myself.  Which means it gets done fast and gets done right.

Responsible child + park around the corner = A clean upstairs
I am still working on having both upstairs and downstairs clean at the same time.  Maybe next time they venture out I'll send them with a picnic.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. As I sit here super pregnant with my third, I guess it's a bit difficult for me to imagine a time when my kids to run off and entertain themselves. Also bizarre to imagine my home looking as clean as yours does! I guess the time will come :)


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