The Wallworks

Sunday, May 5, 2013

New Job, Career, Life

Glenn had been in the High Tech Industry for 10 years.  Many years it was great.  Towards the end it was a little frustrating for him. An inability to move into positions he felt more suitable for him never materialized. There were major layoffs happening in the Summer of 2011.  Glenn would always say how he hoped and prayed he would get laid off with a severance instead of being forced into quitting by a complete unhappiness with the direction, or lack thereof, his career was headed. 

I was making the kids pancakes when Glenn came downstairs and told me "I am done".  

I was completely in shock.  I couldn't believe that the life we'd had, the job, the stability, the paycheck, the health coverage, was over just like that.

I went to bed that night thinking 'I should be homeless instead of sleeping in my king size bed'.  Isn't that what happens to people without jobs?

I knew Glenn was unhappy.  I knew it was inevitable that his career was going to change.  It just stands to reason that when you're miserable in a job they don't lay you off.  Murphy's law or something like that.  Yes he wanted a change, but it still stung. 

For a few months he joked that he was retired.  But severances don't last forever, and pretty soon he was in full on job search mode.  A small dream in the back of his head was to go into law enforcement.  He went for it and was soon in the thick of the application process, which in law enforcement means picking apart your entire life, friends and family.  No stone is left uncovered.  Every bad choice you ever made is put on the table.  Luckily for Glenn he has always been an upstanding guy and had nothing to hide.

During this time he also started a successful Construction Management Company with a good friend.

Months went by.  Then a year.  Glenn went for interviews, meetings, was turned down, more applications, tests, physicals, tons of paperwork, and round and round it went.

Last month, after almost 2 years of this process, Glenn was hired by the San Diego Sheriffs department.

When he was laid off from Cisco he said "I'll never work in High Tech again".  Apparently he meant it.

He is excited beyond belief to be entering into a career where he will interact with others.  Do good.  Be physical.  Better his community.

I think it's a perfect fit for Glenn.  He decided to follow his heart with this career, and at 40 years old he made it.

He has spent more time than a supermodel getting his hair cut, recut, shorter, shaved.  Workouts have been stepped up, uniforms washed, ironed, folded.  Shoes shined till they're mirrors, gear in order,  making room in his closet for a ton of new work clothes, and of course mentally preparing for this new career ahead of him.

Heraclitus is credited with saying "The only thing that is constant is Change".

I concur.


  1. You have such a good perspective and good for your husband for finding what he wanted to do and sticking it out! My Dad was laid off when I was in a college- he had worked for his company for forty years, but he didn't have the guts to ever try anything new. It turned out to be a huge blessing because he ended up going back to school and I feel like it really upped his self-esteem. I was so proud of him! I'm sure your kids will look at this time and be so proud of him too!

  2. Congrats to Glenn! I can only imagine the rough road of the past few years, but hope he will be happy and successful on the force. What an exciting change!

  3. So happy your husband was able to find a job that makes him happy! Being happy is worth more than a big pay check! I always tell my husband if he ever gets to that point that I am in total support because his happiness is worth more to me than material things. Good luck on your new adventure!

  4. This is too fantastic that he is getting a fresh start and that you all have such a positive outlook on the changes in life! Woohoo and cute t-shirt, girlie!

  5. So Sheriff Wallwork is in the house? :) On a serious note, we are all so excited for your family. What a wonderful blessing. Glenn is a great example of working hard and going after what he would really like to spend his time at.

    Love you all Marie. Talk soon,

    Shauna xo

  6. Very exciting time for your family. What a testimony on following your heart and dreams!

  7. How exciting! I think a job that you enjoy is the most important thing - you spend so much time doing it! Be sure to keep us updated with how he gets on!

  8. Yeah! Go Glenn! It's amazing how so many people undergo career changes in their life, but I guess as long as you're following your passions :)

    Keep us updated on how things go :D

  9. Very cool! I am glad he had the courage to chase his dreams and stick with it!

  10. That is so exciting. I've been stuck at a job I don't really care for, for way too long. But, we need the health insurance so I just put in the time in until I can get home to my kitchen and cook. :D

  11. Oh, you have to be so proud of him! I got that way in my reporter job. I hated being on the road and didn't feel like I was helping anyone. I've been floundering for a few years trying to find something where I could use my creativity and writing to help people, and may have a chance to teach kids art classes!

    Plus, you know that your girls will be safe all through hs-- no boy is going to mess with a girl who has a cop for a daddy!

    1. That sounds like a great fit for you, keep me posted.

  12. I'm so glad you wrote this. We're going through our own career change here, and it's great to get your perspective. Thank you!

    1. You're welcome Maryanne. I hope you do a post on the changes in your families life.

  13. This is wonderful. Fulfilling dreams doesn't often happen.

  14. Congrats to Glenn! It must have been scary when he was laid off, but they always say when one door closes, another one opens! It's so important to pursue your dreams--this is definitely a learning lesson for the kiddos too. Best wishes to you guys... (I love your Police t-shirt!)

    1. Thanks Annette, I found it thrifting of course! I agree with that saying 100%. I always knew things would work out but it's hard going through it to be patient and let things work themselves out. Things don't always work on our timeline, we just need to be patient, have faith, and keep working hard to be in the right position.

  15. Great post, Marie! I'm so excited for Glenn! Ralph spent 24 years in law enforcement, not counting his 4 Army years in the Military Police. It is an honorable job and I am certain that Glenn will perform it honorably. I will pray for his safety and know that I understand. Hugs to you both!

    1. Thanks so much Fran! Yesterday was his first day in the academy and Glenn's in really great shape, but he came home BEAT!

  16. Congrats to your husband. I wish him and your family all the luck in the world for this new start.

  17. There is nothing worse than having to go to a job every day and hating it! I think we've all been there. Good for your husband for following his heart. And you are an amazing lady for supporting him.

    Love the cute shirt!

  18. Congrats to Glenn! It's really inspirational to me that he started over at 40, sometimes you just have to leave it all behind and do what you love.

  19. how amazing!!!!!! congrats to your husband (and your family) on this new season of life!!!!! <3

  20. Iam happy the Glenn is going to follow his heart, and I love that t-shirt of yours that says 'Police'.
    Love the end of this post!

  21. Aww I'm so happy he found something and that he's following his dreams! It's hard to do that after being in such a different career for most of your life! Good luck!!

  22. Amen to that! Heraclitus knows what he's talking about.

    I just love you, Marie! That last photo cracked me up. How appropriate! ;o)

    Whew...a leap of faith that paid off. I am so excited for Glenn, and you guys, too. Proof that it is never too late to make a change and follow your heart. That took guts.

    1. You should know! :) It'll be fun to follow each other along and see how our big life changes go.

  23. That is great news for your husband! It's really admirable when someone follows their dreams and pushes through- cause we all have dreams and changing your career can be difficult. Well done to him!
    Awesome t-shirt too. I really like your style

  24. How true that last statement is!
    Congrats to your husband!

  25. Best of luck to your husband! I hope this job change makes him happy!

  26. I work as a civilian for a police department here in North Carolina and have the utmost respect and admiration for those who put the uniform on on a daily basis.

    I hope Glenn enjoys his new line of work. It will be challenging but also immensely rewarding.


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