The Wallworks

Thursday, June 14, 2012

X (or anything really) marks the spot

I love my kids.  I love them so much.  But they are lazy.  I have to take credit for this because even though my house is usually spotless, laundry done and an abundance of prepared meals, that is for the sole purpose of not having to lift a finger the rest of the week.

We all love books here.  Love reading can't get enough live at the library love books.  However my kids have yet to grasp onto the concepts of bookmarks.  No matter how many I stock in their room and around the house (free one's from the library, I would never purchase anything that a piece of scrap paper could sub in for) they use everything BUT bookmarks.  Here's the proof..........

This is Emry's bookmark of choice during the school year because she usually reads directly after homework and I guess she figures since her pencil is so handy helping her do her homework it won't let her down in marking her spot either.

This is Lila's marker from today, a Lego piece.   Lego's can pretty much do anything so why not keep your page?

Unfortunately this is Emry's most used marker.  I am utterly embarrassed and take no credit whatsoever for it.  It's a candy wrapper.  This particular one is a Starbust wrapper, but she plays no favorites, I've seen a skittles wrapper, sweet tarts & tootsie pop wrappers.  Sometimes it's just a regular ol' piece of garbage she's picked up off the floor.  Show some respect Emry.

By far this is the most popular choice for Ethan, I see this daily in his room .  A book used as a bookmark, a literal Book-mark, nice Ethan. 

But sometimes he'll grab something out of his toybox just to mix it up.

This is the reason I decided to do this post.  I took this picture yesterday.  WHAT THE HECK?!?!  Ethan really does feel as though when it comes to bookmarks, ANYTHING goes.

I don't even know what this is or why it was in the front room.  It had to have been in the front room because the kids only use what's within their reach.

If you ever need to give my kids a gift don't bother going to the store.  Just take something you want to throw away, wrap it up, and call it a bookmark. 

They'll love it.


  1. This post made me laugh. Your kids are adorable!!
    And I have to admit i'm a little like Ethan. :/ People have actually bought me some real bookmarks, but I keep them in a drawer and they're never there, when you need them!?
    But I also have to admit I've never been so imaginative as he with this unknown object. :)

    1. I am just waiting for the day I find a banana peel or an actual piece of food.

  2. This post had me laughing out loud. I love the last object Ethan used to mark his page. What in the world is that thing? Ha!

    1. It's PVC pipe, which doesn't really explain anything. I blame Glenn.

  3. This post had me cracking up! At least they're creative?

  4. This is a great post, Marie!! Ralph is like that...anything within reach. I use book marks and I have a bunch of different ones. I tend to goe through phases. At least the kids are not just turning down the corners of pages. I get so upset when I buy second hand books and pages are turned down. I have to go through and unfold all of them as soon as I buy them! Have a great weekend, Marie!

    1. Since I buy tons of books second hand and then donate them again I will make sure not to turn down any corners. I usually use an index card or those ads that fall out of magazines as a bookmark.

  5. O my gosh, this cracked me up. I think the literal bookmark is my favorite.

  6. This is great. I used to write the initials of the book and my page number on the whiteboard in our kitchen. I'm not sure what was easier about this than finding a bookmark. However, the day I left my note about "Amazing Sports Stories" on the board, my parents put a stop to my acronym notes.

    1. Funny, yes I am sure your mom wasn't too amused with that one. I've never seen that done with the writing down and all. It's better than a PVC pipe though for sure.

  7. This is so funny, mostly because I can completely relate to this. We go to bookstores or target or any store really and they see the cute bookmarks and really want one. I have to remind them that they like the idea of it but in reality they are just like your kids, whatever is within hands reach to "bookmark" it. So cute Marie, I love that you were able to capture everything. Talk soon, off to the,


  8. This is funny. I always end up using weird things as well but I've never tried PVC before. Ha! They may be lazy, but they sure are funny!

  9. Hilarious! LOVE the PVC pipe "bookmark" :)

  10. Three cheers for little readers! Fabulous! Just makes me smile smile smile.

  11. That is hilarious! I do that too but nowhere near the extent of silly things like your kids.

  12. I love that your kids read! I tried hard, when mine were little, to get them interested in books. My oldest, 22, is a voracious reader. We moved many, many boxes of books to his new apartment last week. My teen, however, not so much. Oh well.

  13. The most important thing I see here is three children who like/love to read! I have no idea where my book markers are. I use the receipt I get from the library or a piece of scrap paper.

    Happy Sabbath!

  14. My child is lazy too. This seems inherent in children? Although I only have one so what do I know?

    Maya has that same Charlie and Lola book. I am mystified as to how it was published with such odd content. Love the message and the fluffy white coat though!

    I agree with is fantastic that your kids love to read. I am a huge reader and a huge proponent of it.

    Have a fabulous Sunday Marie!

  15. Hahahaha! I totally do this! :D I use candy wrappers and highlighters from school all the time. This post so made me happy... :D


  16. As a child I hated reading! It was dreadful and boring. I LOVE this post. I can just picture your 3 little ones spread around the house - all reading silently - with their makeshift bookmarks at hand. I hope this is my house one day. I just need to buy some pvc pipes. :)

  17. That is so great that your family loves to read. I tend to use any scrap of paper that is lying around to mark my spot.

  18. I was homeschooled and reading was one of my FAVORITE things. At the end of the school day, my mom would read a book allowed to my brother and I. It was our favorite part of the day!

  19. These are pictures you took from my house right?! I was cracking up laughing and just showed my girls. Ash said, "See, we're not the only ones!". I can't wait to see what I find next in one of their books. :-)

  20. So glorious to see all of those books around...... and love the ingenuity employed in saving one's space! :)

  21. This post made me laugh! That is so wonderful that they love to read so much!

  22. Ha! That's hilarious. Your kids are ingenious. Do you know how Shauna's baby is doing? I hope all is well!

    1. Today he is good. They are taking it day by day but you know Shauna, always the optimist.

  23. Such a cute post Marie!! I loved the dog days of summer - I'd be at the library every other day, it was my favorite thing to do. Now? I can't even remember the last book I read - so sad.

  24. Reading is great. I don't like it too much but my brothers kids do.

  25. Haha that is hilarious. I also tend to use the closest items to me for bookmarks...but I go for flat things!

  26. This so reminds me of my kid because I just cleaned out her room and I found a bunch of bookmarks shoved at the bottom of a toy basket and a bunch of random things being used as bookmarks. Sigh.

  27. I love the piece of pvc for a bookmark, completely unique.

    It just shows how innovative Ethan is and how "out of the box" he can think.

  28. Hey you are raising creative kids! Go mama!! :)

  29. Can't keep my self from giggling with this post. I love using any kind of bookmarks. These kids remind me of my self.


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