The Wallworks

Monday, October 15, 2012


Happy Birthday Mom!  My mom turns 67 today.  I am pretty sure it's 67, but it might be 68.  I would make a horrible fact checker seeing as it's too much trouble to go find the phone and call her.  Although I am not sure that would do any good as I think my mom's lost count of her age as well.  She wasn't too sure yesterday when I asked her so what can I say, like mother like daughter.

Other than the fact that my mom has dark eyes and hair (although now it's lighter than mine!) I think we look exactly the same.  I know every inch of my face & when I look at her I see the same curves and slopes.  The same nose and arc of my cheeks. 

So I should say something really profound for posterity's sake but instead I'll just go with whatever my fingers type.  My mom is selfless.  She gives all to her kids and now grandkids. 

She gave me my love of thrifting as I don't think there is one thing in her closet or home that was bought new.

She is hardworking and likes to keep busy.  One time while visiting me (before she lived down the street) I came downstairs around 6 am to find my fridge moved and my mom busily cleaning behind it.  She wanted a list of everything she could do during her visit to help me. 

I've called her twice over the years in tears when my home was invaded by ants and we spent all day moving every single dish and piece of furniture to spray.  This past summer when our ants were out of control I was actually just used to it and ate breakfast with my 'friends' crawling up my leg and on the table.  Glenn usually does EVERYTHING himself but last month he called in a professional, and just when I was getting used to them...............

My mom is a great cook.  She thinks I am the pro and is constantly asking my thoughts on things I've never even made!  I guess I take after that too, just believe in your capabilities mom, I am a work in progress myself. 

My mom LOVES chocolate.  Once she was eating brownies first thing in the morning and very seriously she said that it's better so eat sweets earlier in the day rather than later.  Uh huh, great rationale.

She loves doing Geneology.  Her bedroom has been overtaken with binders and notes and boxes.  I make fun of all her stuff but she loves finding out everything there is about everyone in the world we've ever been related to.  The only thing I've gotten out of that is that we're related to Butch Cassidy.  Or the Sundance kid.  One of them.

My mom grew up on a farm.  Her mother, my Grandma Nettie actually went to college and was a teacher before marrying in her 30's and having 6 kids.  I never met my Grandpa as he died in his 50's and left my Grandma and the kids to farm.

My mom is shy, just like I used to be, and Jeannette & I call it our 'hermitage', hermit & heritage combined.  When I am talking about someone in church and my mom has no idea who I am talking about we'll look at each other and say "that's your hermitage mom", because I think she knows 3 people in our ward of 300.  I thought we made up the word (as I often tend to do) but there is no red squiggly line underneath it so I guess it's a real word.  And Jeannette & I thought we were so clever.

I have 2 favorite memories of my mom. - The first is when I worked at a temp job in downtown San Jose.  I was young and irresponsible and was running very late to work and knew I would be even later if I had to find parking.  I asked my mom to take me (because she of course had nothing else to do).  I was in a high rise and when I looked out the window to the crowded streets below I saw to my horror my mom, still in her pajamas and robe, pushing my car to the side of the road in the midst of morning traffic.  I had let the gas get way too low.  My heart broke because of how lame I was and my mom having to pay the price for my stupidity.  It also broke because I knew she'd rather be out there than me.

On a lighter note a few years ago my mom was visiting me near Christmas and we decided to decorate the girls room as a surprise.  We went about stringing lights all around their room, which I thought would be a cinch.  Apparently you need nails and hammers and ladders and complicated stuff like that to do that kind of work, who knew?  It was physical comedy at it's best as it took us all day to hang those darn lights.  At one point the hammer was on top of the ladder and I dropped the nails and when I climbed down to get them the hammer fell right on top of my head.  Instant migraine!!  We were a big ol' mess.  But it was funny.  We laughed so hard at ourselves.

So we look alike and do share some traits, but most of the time my mom just shakes her head at the things I say or do.  If ever we tell her to get with the program she just says "Well, I grew up on a farm", like that explains it all.

More often than not it kinda does.


  1. Oh happy birthday to your mom! xoxo

  2. Happy Birthday to your Momma! Mine just turned 72 and is busier than me! I need to make appointments she's got so much going on, but I love how active she is. :D

    1. So she's SuperBiz huh? I think that's wonderful, I hope to be busy forever.

  3. Happy Birthday Lona!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love your mom, she is an angel. What a great tribute to her, I hope she will read it. Your mom is a doll just like you. What a blessing to have her so close now Marie. Remember the days when she was so far away and you would say, "I'm not going to get my hopes up." Now you have your sister and your mom! Amazing how that works sometimes. I love you Marie,

    Shauna xxoxoxoxoxo

    1. You're right. It's so exciting when you think of all the possibilities the future has to offer. I've lived long enough now to never say never.

  4. Now I love your mom! You have such a spirit about you and I can see now that it comes from her. Loved learning more about her and in turn, you.

  5. Happy birthday to your mum. I think she's about the same age as mine. :)

  6. My mom's excuse is..."that's not how we do it in Argentina!" :) I love your sweet mom. Happy Birthday to Lona. xoxoxo

  7. Happy Birthday to your Momma! It is a great day to be born :)

  8. Aww your mom sounds fabulous! I absolutely loved this sweet post. Happy birthday to her!

  9. Happy Birthday to your sweet mom. I wish I was like her...because obviously she raised a fantastic bunch of kids (gorgeous ones too I might add). Probably the only thing we have in common is our love for chocolate...I could learn a few things from her!

    1. That's the best thing to have in common. My mom always makes homemade Rocky Road and Caramels at Christmas, so good!

  10. Happy, happy birthday to your sweet momma!! I loved hearing the story about how she took you to work and then ended up having to push your car off the road. I have similar stories about my mom. A selfless mother is one of the BEST examples to her children. You've definitely got a good one. :o)

  11. Happy birthday to your momma! Y'all are so cute. Mommas are the best!

  12. Marie, more then any of your blog posts, this one is my favorite. I think as we grow older we appreciate our parents so much more and the lessons we learn in our life become more valuable as time goes by. We are so very lucky to have come from such a great family, it gives me hope that my kids will one day appreciate all that they had/or did not have (:

    1. Appreciation goes up exponentially as we grow up huh? Ugg, what a brat I was.

      I have no doubt your kids will thank their lucky starts to have you as their mum.

  13. Hey, I'm related to one of those guys, too! I think Butch Cassidy? I need to ask my dad.

    Your mom sounds amazing. And I share her love of chocolate :)

  14. Cute post. Haha, I'm very different from my mom as a person but we do look similar on the outside (only the face). We used to be really close when I was a teenager as I was an only child and she was pretty childish. It was kind of like having a big sister ^^ Wow, mom do so much for you and it's nice that you took the time and recognize all those things. <3 Moms. One day your kids will appreciate you just as much ^^

    This is such a sweet post. Moms rock!!
    My mom turns 70 next year and (like someone has already written) she's busier than me, too. I love her energy.

  16. A very happy birthday to your mom. I am so glad you appreciate her!

  17. What wonderful stories. There is simply nothing like the love of a mother.... at any age! Happy Birthday!

  18. Such a sweet post! And you and your mom definitely do look alike--you're right, the facial structure/nose is so similar. And moms will always and forever be the best--they give and do so much, and are happy to do it! So kudos to your mom (and to you as a mom!). And dessert for breakfast totally IS healthier ;D

    P.S.--Not only is hermitage a word, it's a place! The Hermitage (home of Andrew Jackson) is just outside of my city :)

    1. Who knew, not me for sure, that's awesome! Are there no new words I can claim?

  19. Eating brownies for breakfast is an excellent quality in a mother.

    Hermitage, in a generic sense, is a place where a hermit lives.

    1. Haha, thanks. We grew up in a big city but my mom likes to avoid eye contact if at all possible.

  20. Happy Birthday to your mom! I love getting to know your family better. And just like you mom gave the best to you and your brothers and do you to your daughters and son.

  21. Happy Birthday to your mom.

    Thanks so much for sharing your stories of makes the post so much more personal and allows us to have a peak.

    Funny enough hermitage means: religious retreat or hermit's home...sounds like you and your sister may have been on point with it.

    Have a great day Marie!


    Your mom might be genius with her brownie eating in the morning. I am not opposed to enjoying a sweet first thing (just don't let the kids catch you).

    1. I am so impressed that so many people knew or have heard of hermitage before. My mom fits all the definitions!

  22. Happy Belated Birthday to your Mom! Great post,Marie. I know she has to be proud of you. I would be if you were my daughter!

  23. Aw, happy belated birthday to the mom! :) I am LOVING your hair, btw.



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