The Wallworks

Monday, October 8, 2012

Right now..............

Emry's printing out google images of hairdo's a few times a week and handing them to me like I am some kind of hair professional.  I must admit this one turned out super cute :)

I am making blueberry muffins that Emry requested.  Almost added a crumb topping but at the last second decided I didn't want to add more sugar.

Loving that Ethan thinks it's fun to make up and do math problems.

While I am working out.

Realizing  my entry way may not be pinterest worthy but I love it.  Something about the space upon entering a home is so telling. Mine says "I am really trying to be organized, but my kids keep foiling my plans."

Can stop my Halloween decorating boycott now that it's getting chilly out.  I couldn't come to grips with putting out pumpkins in 100 degree weather.

Trying to stay on top of organizing my ever expanding recipe collection.

 Trying not to spend so much on non-food items at Walmart.  I could go any time, any day and there will be something (more like many things) I need.  I had to get this little clock for Lila to practice her Time.  Her teacher mentioned to me she doesn't know how to tell time.  That can't be right.  Then I thought about our house, there is not one clock with hands in 2,600 sq. feet of living space.   I even wear a digital watch.  Oopsadaisy.

And while I am on the topic of Walmart, while I was checking out my tab came to  $40.01.  I gave the cashier 2 twenties and asked if she had a penny I could have.  She looked at me like I was some crazy loser!!!  My whole life I have seen those dishes that say "Have a penny leave a penny, need a penny take a penny".  I've never taken advantage of it but I thought it was a thing.

Isn't it a thing?

Having a love/hate relationship with the kids projects.  This pet shop campsite took up the entire dining room table for a week.  Mostly love though. 

 Not giving up on running.  Those feet.  Those feet hurt.  So is life.


  1. I'm giving up on running. I hate it, totally hate it.

    1. Why aren't you in stand up? Every thing you say is funny.

  2. Those poor feet!

    I gave up running after trying to love it (highly unsuccessfully) for years. I think about trying again, though, every once in a while.

    I love that Pet Shop campsite. And I'm very impressed by your hairdo skills.

  3. Can you come be my hairdresser? :) And I need to get some Halloween decorations for my house! I agree, it was hard to get in the mood when it was still hot, sunny and summer.

    1. I actually really like doing hair in a haphazard, messy way. I can't do perfect, it's not my style.

    2. I think that looks better for hair anyway! The perfectly glossy/hairsprayed styles always seem so fake and uncomfortable, I love soft and natural.

  4. I am so proud of you for not giving up on running!! I can't imagine how difficult it must be for you because it's hard for me and I don't even have the issues you do with RA.

    Love the hair style! And the Halloween decor. And the muffins. Something that good doesn't even need a crumb topping.

    1. They didn't, they were perfect. Thanks for the running support, I must carry on.

  5. Very cute hairdo :) I can just see your son growing up to be a little professor. It's great that he's so interested in schoolwork! Haha, I understand completely what you mean by that 1 penny and don't give up on running- just make sure to stretch a lot :)

  6. Love your retro tablecloth. I have similar ones from my grandmother.

    1. I love it too!!!! I adore charming, old linens, I can never pass them up at the Goodwill or yard sales.

  7. hair turned out cute! i can't do any braids for my life.

    you're super organized with the binders, shoe racks, etc.

  8. You keep it real, friend!
    I love Emry's hair. So cute!
    Those blueberry muffins look delicious, too!

  9. After reading this, I realized we don't have a single regular clock in the house either!! Eek! On another note, you could totally moonlight as a hair stylist :)

  10. I always give a penny but nope, one is never around for me when I need one. Can't we just do away with change? I'm so confused why we can't do that.

    Emry's hair is gorgeous...can you work on mine next? I need a miracle.

    The muffins look delicious...I need some of those too...

  11. This is one of your posts that make me smile.
    It makes me hungry as well. Those muffins look delicious.
    And I think you are some kind of hair professional. I would never be able to do that.
    And your little guy is doing math problems, while you're working out?! Have you any advice about that?

    1. Lavish tons of attention on them when they do good work. Make the home a learning environment with tons (millions is not too many) of books, let them turn the house upside down with their brilliant crafts, let them help you bake (even when the result is barely edible) and limit media (t.v., computer)

      Something tells me though your little one will be very artistic just like his momma :)

  12. I think we need to have a blogger meet up and you can do hair tutorials. Poor Clara is going to ask me to do some fun hairstyles someday and I'm going to have to direct her elsewhere. Hair = not my thing.

  13. Oh My.. I hope you feel better soon. i have given up running temporarily because of lack of time and my crazy work schedule.
    The hair do looks super cute.

  14. The check-out girl must have been under the age of 20, right? Always love your perspective on the everyday..... so refreshing!

    1. No she was old, and Asian. Maybe that was her first experience with the whole 'got a penny' situation.

  15. I love places to tuck things and hang up upon walking in a house. That's brilliant and eventually they'll all do what they're supposed to? Maybe?

    Her hairstyle is adorbs! Truly!

  16. I love how Emry's hair turned out. I am completely in fear when my 3 year old wants something other than a ponytail or pigtails.
    I think my kids are very similar to your kids...mine ruin organization at every turn.

    I hope you have a good week and I hope your poor feet feel better. Keep Running! :)

    1. Here's the thing, when you have babies the house is a complete mess with toys & whatnot strewn everywhere, & I miss it!!! So I know this too shall pass. When my house is spotless it means no kids will live here :( :(

  17. I love Emry's hair, my girls favorite styles at this time are braids. I love this post. I've had a few meltdowns recently over messes. My house is a tad smaller so every couch cushion, blanket pulled out of linen closet, legos out etc. at once could equal hours of cleaning on my part. The older kids help right away when I ask now because I'm sure their afraid they might see the frenzy of a mom that comes out if they don't. Not sure if this is good or bad. :) The recipes...

    My cupboard is in so much need of attention to get these organized it's crazy, maybe someday.

    I'll have to get my decorations out too. I have a bunch from my mom, that I remember from when I was little. When I was going through her stuff she saved almost every project I ever did, a bunch were Halloween projects. The kids love it.

    Love you, talk to you soon,


  18. I love running! I go three times a week! And I love her hair--how'd ya'll do that?

  19. You are a hairstyle master! You officially have permission to do my hair any and every day. :P

    My house is in total disarray and I have no kids to blame it on. Shucks!

  20. How are you feeling? Better?

    Will you come to my house and do my hair too? I need a stylist. My mom was never good at that stuff, bless her heart. Do you do eye makeup too?

    1. Oh no, only hair. I've worn the same one eyeshadow shade for years. Just one, I wouldn't even know what to do with more than one color at a time, or eyeliner for that matter.

  21. My recipe collection looks a lot like yours, lots of magazine clippings and such. Pinterest helps to keep be much more organized.


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