The Wallworks

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Just Listed

Yup, I am a to-do-lister.  I can't live without a to do list and a calendar, both are necessary to keep my life functioning in the splendid manner it does.  I am still old-school, pen & paper please.

1.  Print out a list of  phone #'s for everyone in my ward (church congregation).  I am sure it would just take a few minutes but it's been on the list for about a month.

2. Make dental appointments for all the Wallworks.  Except Brutus, the doggy dental bones will have to suffice.

3. Look into joining a CSA.  My garden this year was embarrassing.  I've decided to source it out.

4.  Go get my dishes back from a friend I brought dinner to.   I hate having piles of other people's stuff at my house so I need to get them out of her way.

5.  Visit ladies in my ward.  Get to know them better, see what their needs are.  Hopefully their needs are needing a friend to go to yogurt with and listening ad nauseum about how precious their chihuahua is.

6.  Have Glenn empty my SD card.  I've only had the camera for about 5 years, I am sure I'll learn to do it myself but these things take time.

7.  Get a haircut.  My last one was October 2011.  I can't decide if I am lazy or cheap.  I am thinking both.

8.  Ask my mom to help me sew all the mending that's been piling up.  I help by watching her do all the work while I try and talk her into letting me organize her home for the billionth time.

9.  See if everything's all set with the kids new health insurance.  Glenn's in charge of this one because apparently filling out paperwork is too hard for me.  I was in the National Honor Society in High School but I swear paperwork eludes me.

10.   Clean & organize the guest room.  This is always on the list.  It usually gets done seconds before company arrives.

11.  Call a new lady in my ward to see if her son wants to walk to school with Emry.  I met her husband while cleaning our church building on Saturday morning (just the kids & I, Glenn was surfing.  Whenever he doesn't want to do anything church related he plays the "I went on a mission for 2 years" card.  Apparently it trumps everything) and he was complaining that his wife was a taxi driver and why weren't there buses here?

I told him welcome to California we have no money for teachers let alone buses.  And buses are crap anyway, they cost an arm and a leg which is ridiculous seeing as (most) children have their own limbs they can use to transport themselves to school.  Then I go off on a tangent about how I walked 45  minutes each way to get to junior high in the ghetto and then for some weird reason people start rolling their eyes.

12.  Call Dr. Freney to see how the whole Remicade situation is going...................................

Which leads me to the one thing I didn't need to write down.  A heartfelt thanks to all of you who expressed concern for me regarding my last post.  Either written, in person, or by phone, it was appreciated and I do not take your kindness for granted. 

I am feeling much, much better.  I am learning that for me - my arthritis bounces around and sometimes the flare ups are exceedingly painful and out of control.  I want you all to understand my words were not a complaint, just journaling the reality of my life.  I am not bitter or even sad about it.  No one's life is perfect and as far as health ailments there are a million others that are worse.  I am glad with the one I've got.

I actually feel stronger being able to come through that night intact.  I went running for the first time yesterday after a 2 week break.  It felt wonderful.  I went early enough that it was cool, I ran the whole 6 miles and I had a cute little chihuahua to keep me company.  The pain may get in my way, but it will never stop me.


  1. I NEED a list to function!

    I want to start running...badly.


  2. Oh gosh, I'm all about lists and my planner. Can't live without it!
    So glad to hear that you are getting better :)
    xo TJ

  3. I can type things on the computer all day long (lists, etc) but I have to print them out and have them in hand when I want to do something. Just like books...I like to have actual printed books as opposed to an e-reader.
    I love your philosophy on buses and might I suggest a statute of limitations on Glenn's "mission trip" card, I mean eventually that well HAS to run dry.
    I am so very glad to hear that you are doing better. You have been on my mind since that post and I prayed that healing/relief would come your way.

    Have a blessed Thursday Marie!

    1. I am so much better thanks. Yes I agree about Glenn, statue of limitations indeed. But really I lovingly suggest and the rest is up to him, he's a grown up & can make his own decisions. But he's so great and gives so much that I trust in his choices, it's just fun to throw him under the bus sometimes :)

  4. Wait, what what what? Reading last post now!

  5. I love lists and calendars - otherwise I forget what I need to do and where I need to be!

    I'm glad you are feeling better - hope it lasts!

  6. So glad you are better. Now, come here and organize my house with me --- pretty please?

  7. your post WAS a list. i am way too much of a stationery queen. i think i'm fairly digital. and love my iphone. but there really is just something about pen + paper, isn't there? it's more real and/or important when it's on a physical to-do list. and so much more gratifying to cross or check off than to delete and never see it again. ;-)

    it takes a beautiful woman to write that sentence i just read... "I am glad with the one I've got." makes me remember i could still do a lot better with the whining and sulking over little stuff.

    where, oh WHERE, did you find those sunglasses? [please let it be somewhere slightly more attainable than goodwill...] i just found a pair of semi-aviators at target, but one of the nose pieces fell off already. that's actually a pretty fixable problem. but i might like yours more.

    1. I am touched you know how much of a thrifter I am. These were actually found at Marhshall's. The lens says U.S. Polo Assn. I am not sure if they are really Polo or just a wannabe brand but either way they work.

  8. I love this post, Marie. I should make lists more often! Glad you're feeling better!

  9. I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better! You look great, BTW. :)
    And this post... You're so positive!! I love it.

  10. Good luck! BTW-Menu and delete all for photos :)

  11. I am so glad you are feeling better! Whew...big sigh of relief. I was worried about you there for awhile. For someone who spent the last week in hell, you sure do look fantastic!

    I'm a list-maker, too. I've got lists all over the place - on a whiteboard, on my calendar, in a notebook, and on little notecards all over the house. I'm sure I'd feel much less stressed if they were all in one spot, but I'm just not that organized.

  12. Yes to the paper and pen. I've tried using my iphone for list making and I always end up using pen and paper. We are all living the same lives, us women walking around with so much to do in the back and fore front of our minds.

    Glenn is killing me. I guess you could say something to the effect of having gone to hell and back three times being pregnant and birthing your children. That's probably a pretty even sacrifice and some well meaning service.... :)

    Really cute post Marie. Love you lots,

    Shauna xoxoxoxoxo

    That's a great picture of you.

  13. PS.... Happy Conference, we love this time, it's the best! My kids ordered homemade waffles, bacon, sausage, and every kind of fruit there is to eat for our conference breakfast on Saturday. :) Love you

  14. I LOVE your attitude towards life chica. Love it.

    Also, I often go years in between haircuts. It's definitely a lazy/cheap thing. :P

  15. I'm a hard core list maker too. Sometimes it gets too much and it overwhelms me but it always reminds me to feed my child so there's good in it. God children are so needy.
    I have arthritis too. I completely understand. My spine is completely riddled with it. I hope that you get relief soon. Its hard playing the waiting game for a flare up to pass.

  16. Glad you're feeling some better.
    Isn't it funny how so many things languish on the to-do list for weeks or months when they only take 20 minutes?
    My mending works like yours, except that I usually fix something on my mom's computer while she mends our stuff.

    1. Oh I can't work a computer to save my life. Must think of things I am good at.....

  17. Way to go running 6 miles!

    I don't usually write my to-do lists down which might be why I never accomplish everything I have to do.

    1. You gave me a good laugh to start my day :)

  18. October 2011?? Wow, that makes me feel a whole lot better. :) I thought I was bad not having a haircut since May....

    I hope you are having an awesomesauce day, my friend!


  19. I'm a to do list writer too. In fact mine is sitting next to me at the moment and beckoning to be completed. Checking out a CSA for next season is on my list, I have a friend who does it and just loves it. Also I love your attitude about your arthritis : )


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