The Wallworks

Monday, December 17, 2012

Say Anything

Sunday morning found Glenn out of bed early to focus on his church calling.  His side of the bed didn't even have time to get cold before Ethan slid in and promptly fell back asleep.  I love those mornings.  I've seen plenty of movies where couples lie in bed and watch the other sleep, & while I can't say I've ever done that, I can say any time one of my children are asleep by me I can't help but just stare at them.

In those moments my brain goes at warp speed and my heart beats faster.  I have conversations with myself about how much I love them and how extraordinarily lucky I am. I go over the balance sheets of what I've been doing right and the parenting methods that need to be checked.  And sometimes I'll just indulge myself and let my heart crumple in on itself while I slowly just take in their face.

I rarely sit still long enough to watch T.V., but Friday morning found me on the couch addressing Christmas cards with the news on.  Right in the middle of stuffing envelopes my heart dropped and confusion, anger, sadness and despair set in.  There is many to feel for at this time, who need to feel our love, prayers and hope.  Amid gathering strength there are also many questions and one on my mind is how is a boy who is barely a man capable of this?

Even in a world of turmoil I believe in my kids.  They are not now and will never be perfect but they are good.  They have caring hearts and a love for Jesus Christ and their Father in Heaven.  Not only a love but the obligation they feel to be an upstanding citizen is tangible.  They know they have a responsibility to make the world a better place.  They know this because they hear it in our daily prayers.  It is expected.

When it comes to their friends I must say I've done a good job of veering them away from some kids while wholeheartedly fostering other friendships.  I don't think my kids know about all the hustling in the background, but there is hustling for sure.

I lived in a bubble for the first 16 years of my life.  It's good and bad.  It was a time of innocence and just being oblivious to the harsh realities of life, but once those realities show up on your doorstep in a very pretty package, it's downright difficult to figure it all out.  Especially on your own.

So I am no Pollyanna and this is what I know - communication is key.

I let my kids know daily how much I love them, how proud I am when they're making great choices, my frustrations and disappointments when inevitably they don't. They can ask me anything and get an honest answer.  But that honesty also extends into my expectations for them. I know that any kid would much rather "not like" their parents for being too involved, then for real not liking them for not being involved enough.

All I have is my gut and heart to lead me.  Like every other parent these 3 are my whole world and failure is not an option.


  1. I love your rules when it comes to your kids. I think you really do need have their care held to a higher standard and shield them from unpleasantness as much as possible.
    For example, and I won't say I am right about this. We don't watch the news at my house and as such only my husband and I knew about the shootings in CT.
    I really just think that the constant barrage on TV over the shootings puts uneccessary fear into kids. I don't mind explaining anything to them that they have a question about, but I want it to be my words and not what they heard on TV.
    The best to you and your family this Monday Marie!

    1. Who knows if I am right either, but it's right for my family. TV is very, very limited in our household so my kids don't watch the news either. Usually on the weekends they get to watch an appropriate movie or two.

      Thanks for your support. Being a mom is THE toughest job and I love knowing there are others who feel the same.

  2. Well said and touching Marie. Kirk and I talked about this for the rest of drive to our xmas party that day. It's not something that we can easily wrap our heads around if at all. But, as parents we are 100% with you on this. Drastic times call for drastic measures. In my mind I'm thinking that this person was treated very badly in his life. But on the other hand lives that are void of love, attention, communication but allowed to be submersed in television, gaming, lack of supervision and the trash of the world will likely develop people that are sick. And this is what, as people, we are looking forward to. A whole generation of kids that are allowed to do just this.

    How will we stand up? What will our conversations be as a nation? I don't know. But, I'm thankful for people like you who are parenting their children with INTENTION. I love you Marie. I could never write a post this way. You are gifted at coming across so elequently, dealing with a subject that is so harsh and dark.

    I am prayful at this time for these people, whoever they are. Praying for hope that these people will find the strength to carry on in such bitter and tragic circumstances. Thank you for writing this. All my love,

    Shauna xo

    1. I could have written the last 3 sentences of your first paragraph It breaks my heart that there are so many sweet children forced to raise themselves with so much technology at their disposal and no supervision. But then again is supervised technology any better? Probably not.

      Yes, I do have intention, as do you, which is why I hang on to you for dear life for your love, support and example of how to be a good mom. There are no guarantees for sure, but I'll always fight (no matter how exhausted I am :) )

      I almost brought up the tragedy to the kids but then I didn't. I don't know why. Maybe I just want their innocent childhood to last a little bit longer. If they bring it up the conversation will happen.

  3. Even though I do not have children, my heart is just breaking every time I turn on the news to hear more updates about the CT shooting. I think when it comes to things like this it's a good reminder that we should be protective over our children. And it's true, I would much rather complain about a mother being too involved then the other way around. I know your children know you love them all so very much! :)
    xo TJ

    1. All our hearts are breaking for so many reasons. Our country is better than this. Any time a child or grown up lacks love in their life is a tragedy.

  4. That picture of your little one bundled up in bed makes my heart happy. That is the epitome of childlike innocence right there! Thank you so much for sharing. I love your ideas =)

  5. YOu are such an inspiration to all of us!

  6. You rules are perfect. A mama knows.

    You are becoming very special to me, Marie, do you realize that? hugs from the right coast

    1. Gail thank you and yes I realize it, right back at you.

  7. I think that your children will never know how lucky they are to have a mum like you. My compassion goes out to all those touched by this terrible tragedy.

  8. Your kids are very lucky to have such an involved momma. My parents had the same list of rules when we were growing up and I fully intend to carry them out when raising Clara. It is so important to know your kids friends and how their friends spend their time. All I know to do in the midst of our nations tragedy is to pray, and then pray some more, and then pray some more, etc.

  9. Having parents who care makes a world of difference.

  10. Dear Marie, I agree with your list. I took pick and choose friends. Sometimes they're in classes where I cannot control whom they meet, but I can guide them when it comes to best friend and friend they spend most of their time with. I think it's so important for us to mould and guide them when they're young, and hope they'l make right choices when they're on their own. :)

  11. I plan on parenting the exact same way as you. Maybe my kids will hate me at times...but they'll thank me when they're older. I'm sure of it.

  12. I felt guilty a few times when I deliberately put things in play to end friendships that I knew were bad for my daughter, but I don't regret it. I've seen the path those kids took and I certainly didn't want my child headed that way. You're just doing what you feel is best for your kids.

  13. I have a policy that my close friends and family know by heart. Some of them joke that I should put it on a t-shirt. It is "one and done". If you hurt me or my family, you're not welcome back to hurt us again. I've lived almost 40 years and I know better. I want my girls to know that if a person doesn't care enough to protect them, be thoughtful of them and respect them that there isn't a way to change that. They can't change someone else...only themselves. I want them to put their hearts out there and find people that care about them as much as Chris and I do.

    1. AMEN! Better to teach your kids, especially girls, that you can't change other people (especially those almost perfect men you THINK you can change, aint' gonna happen, move on)

      My kids are still learning that they can't control how other people are or what they do, you are only in charge of your own actions, and sometimes those actions involve walking away from people who are hurtful and negative.

      Good rule momma!

  14. Standards of civility have definitely been in decline. Glad to know they are still alive and well in your home. Bra straps are no bueno, especially on teenage girls.

  15. i love the rules you have re: your kids. :)

  16. You're an amazing mom! I inspire to be like you when I have my own kids :D

    "If you feel the need to text the whole time you're at my house I'll ask that the next time you come not be such a 'hectic' day for you."
    Can't say more about this quote. Sometimes my university friends invite me over and I met up with them and they start texting. It's like why did you call me if you're too busy to pay attention to me?

  17. I love your rules and expectations for your child. Honestly I agree with you and I think that not enough parents enforce rules and expectations. Kids needs boundries.


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