The Wallworks

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


My kids are literally growing right before my eyes.  I see it everyday and I don't like it.  When they were babies I couldn't wait for the next milestone -  crawling, walking, talking -  it was all so exciting.  But now I am done with them changing.  I am done with them outgrowing my arms and running towards something bigger and better.

I admit I was (am?) weirder than most parents.  I watched my babies sleep.  I didn't like to get babysitters (much to Glenn's dismay), I didn't send them to preschool because heaven forbid they should learn something without my being able to witness it.

Of course I would get frustrated at the disaster that was my house, but when Glenn took them to the beach for a few hours so I could get some work done, suddenly it didn't matter anymore, I wanted to be with them.

When you have a baby, or 3, so many moms and grandmas smile at you and say "Enjoy them while they're young, they grow up so quick".  I got really good at smiling at them, truly appreciative of the attention they were giving my little ones, but I would hug my chubby baby harder while inwardly thinking, "what do they know, my baby's not going anywhere".

Turns out they knew a lot.

I knew realistically there would come a  day when they'd all be in school, but I didn't think it would happen so soon. 

So now my house is spotless.  Groceries are bought, dinner is prepared, laundry is done, the dog gets attention, I actually get dressed instead of wearing workout clothes all day and I've had time to broach this new fangled thing called a computer and start a blog.

I guess I am all sentimental because we watched a few hours of home videos on Sunday afternoon.  My kids can't get enough of their younger selves.  I love watching them dance around (dancing figures into about 95% of our footage) and truth be told I love watching me.  My clothes are thrown together, my hair is in a ponytail, I have no makeup on and should have been running from the camera.  But I didn't.

I am glad I didn't because I am always so happy in those videos.  Happy that Emry is jumping naked on the trampoline.  Happy that Lila is pretending to be a cat in her dress-ups.  Happy that Ethan is dancing to a singing frog.  I can hear it in my sing-songy voice and see it in my eyes how much I truly love those little kids.

And no matter what trials and angst may lie ahead of us, I am glad they have proof of how much I relished in them.  All 3 of them.

But I still have many more memories to make, so slow down already.


  1. I always shook my head when people would tell me that they grow up too fast. Now I'm the one saying it! The point of having kids is nurturing them and watching them grow, but I wish I could slow down time just a bit!

  2. I am not there yet.. but I can imagine how you feel..
    We have yet to have a baby sitter and while he does go to preschool.. it's mainly because D has been a very shy child and we needed him to meet more kids and expand his comfort zone.
    My husband offers to take him out for a few hours without me.. so I get some me time and while that is exactly what I complain about not having I don't have the heart to have them leave.. without me. What if he does something totally cute and I miss it.

    1. Exactly! I would totally complain about not being able to get anything done but then once I had free time it seems all the 'important' things I wanted to get done didn't matter anymore.

  3. I can't even imagine...but I can understand. My sister is 9 years younger than me and she has definitely grown up WAY too fast!

  4. This post hit home SO hard with me today. Just last night I put my 14 year old DD on a bus to go to a Cheer comp 18 hours away!! How did this happen, how did she become a teen before my eyes? :) I'm with you, please babies, slow down already.

  5. OMG,that last picture made my day!!! Love it. And yes, they do grow up so fast. My daughter just texted me and wanted to know if she could bring sangria to our birthday get together on Sunday! Gah!

  6. Honestly enjoy them while you can. When I moved out of the house upon starting university (I moved back just for this year) my mom did everything possible to convince me to stay. However, there will be a point where you have to let go :(

  7. Sweet sweet photo! So dang cute! What is freaky is watching your child go to a dance. Still haven't recovered from Saturday and my son's first church dance. How did he get 14! Wouldn't mind though not living in yoga pants, but I know I am just a few years away from the end of baby stage. The other day I walked down the aisle and saw pregnancy test out of the corner of my eye and was kind of sad because I know I will never need t buy one of those again. Boo hoo!

  8. Your girls still have the SAME SMILES. a little young on that photo to compare to today.
    I'm not sure if this post is encouraging or depressing, but I'm definitely trying to have fun with my daughter now. And, you know, some day you'll look back at right now and miss it, too.

  9. yes, life flies by WAYYYY too fast.

    i am loving those pics too. that last presh! :)


  10. awe such cute pictures of your kiddos! I can't wait till I have my own :-)

  11. I LOVE to watch Gia sleeping and I totally dont like the idea of getting a sitter. Maire sending you a virtual hug for making me feel like its OK. I totally get it, I am terrified of her being all grown up and not needing me :)

  12. Oh my goodness.... I hear ya! Love that you've made every moment count...... and you realize that they do. Your children don't know how lucky they are!

  13. I hear it all the time, that I should enjoy till they are young. It actually just dawned on me that, they will be in their teens sooner than I think.
    Great pictures, Marie!

    1. PS-@Marie please pleaseeee share your recipes!
      My email is

  14. I had less than 5 babysitters, maybe 3 in the entire time my kids were home under my roof. I don't regret it a bit. I simply had no desire to be away from the kids.

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  16. that's so sweet!! i can't believe my youngest sister is going to be 18 next month (sniff). in my eyes, she's still the precocious 3 y.o. always getting into something...i don't have kids, so that's the closest i can get to relating! ;)

  17. good for me to read this :). sometimes I long for the days Moo will be in school, but then...I think...ya know, these days will be gone all too soon. I know I'll miss it one day!!!

  18. I can relate as I do miss a few things from Maya being a little baby, and sometimes I look at her and think wow! Her pants fit just a few weeks ago! She is growing fast.

    But really, I'm just very selfish and I'm so grateful that she's so much more independent now! I love that she's growing up. :)

    Hope you have a great Sunday Marie!

  19. They do grow up so fast. I love the picture of them when they are all little.

  20. I ask Cullen not to grow up all the time and he in turn laughs and promises that he will come home from kindergarten every day and tell me everything, so it will be okay (apparently K is his next big event, he always skips right to it!). I feel like blogging is a great way to keep these memories too!


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