The Wallworks

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Roommate Wanted

With weather like we've been having a barbecue was necessary.  Of course I'll start with dessert as that was my favorite part.  My sister Jeannette made the best cupcakes I've ever eaten in my life.

They were coconut cupcakes made with a  coconut milk reduction, fresh coconut and a coconut vanilla frosting with toasted coconut on top.  It's my one regret in life that I didn't make them first.  I begrudgingly give her all the credit.

Some of the kiddos.

Our good friend Jason came with 3 of his girls.  His baby girl was home sick with his wife.  He is the funniest guy I know.  We all just sit around him and say "Go", then he talks and we laugh and clap and throw money his way and don't let him leave.  He is pure entertainment.

Glenn still in his church clothes manning his new BBQ.  Our big ol' gas one finally died and my mom said since we do so much grilling for everyone she would buy us a new one.  We went old school to save money and got one that needs charcoal.  It's actually really nice and gives a delicious smoky taste to everything.

The spread.  I am not sure some of the kids appreciated the 100% whole wheat hot dog buns, but they ate em. 

Glenn's plate, cause of course you can't choose between a burger and a brat.

A quinoa salad I just added anything that looked good to.  This is what I ate.  I am actually not eating a whole lot of meat this days,  I much prefer salads.  I did have to have some onion rings though, yum.

Cause one picture wasn't enough.

The kids gave Kylee  a crazy hairdo and then went and sang to some of our neighbors.  Adorable.  You should be so lucky to live on my block.

Why go through the front door when you can go over the fence?

My parents and Grandma and other friends (& me obviously) were here tonight as well but I guess I was too busy laughing at Jason to take proper pictures of everyone.

I am gonna go ask Glenn if Jason could move in.

The only problem is we'd always fight over him.


  1. Looks like a perfect day! I still haven't tried quinoa but I really need to!

    1. It's so versatile. It can used for breakfast like oatmeal, or in savory dishes like rice.

  2. Friends like Jason are the best! We have a friend like this and we just constantly laugh and laugh and laugh. Love it. Glad you had a nice day with friends and family.

  3. I would love to live on your block! What a fun life you have and you and your family are so blessed to live close to each other. We have a friend like Jason, his name is Dave, and he is hilarious. Like you said, we wind him up and he just goes!

    1. Exactly, haha, and just re-wind as needed.

  4. Oh that spread looks DELICIOUS! Makes me want it to be summer! And the coconut cupcakes... yum!
    I love having a friend like that (we all have at least one). Unfortunately mine moved to New York, so I rarely see him. But when I do, he always has me in tears!! Humor is definitely a gift!

    1. It totally is. It doesn't matter what he says, if he's doing the talking, it's funny.

  5. What a great afternoon - the food looks amazing!!! I need to try making quinoa salad!

    If you got a charcoal grill, do you have a chimney? Revolutionized our charcoal grill cooking - makes it incredibly easy to get a good fire going, and you don't have to use lighter fluid or anything like that. Maybe you already know about them, but we were amazed when we switched over - it's just a metal cylinder thing you put the charcoal in at the beginning.

    1. Oh my gosh yes. I had never seen one but Glenn got that as well and loves it. Praise for not having to use lighter fluid.

  6. Looks like a perfect afternoon!

  7. What fun! And I love charcoal grills, the propane ones just aren't the same. Or maybe I'm just biased 'cause that's what my family has always used ;) Now I want a good ol' veggie dog on the grill. With a side of that everything-quinoa salad.

  8. I'm cracking up over what you said about wanting to make those cupcakes first. They look divine, award winning.

    Jason is hilarious, lucky you for getting your "fix."

    I love all of the food you had, it looks so good! Yesterday it was cloudy, windy and cold here. Looks like you had perfect weather. I love Quinoa, I make this really good warm berry type oatmeal with it.

    Talk to you soon, about flights.

    Love Always,


  9. Uh, please mail me some of those cupcakes. Stat! Looks like a fabulous gathering! I'm itching for bbq season.

  10. Looks like a really fun time with some yummy, yummy food!

  11. oh gosh, a barbecue and yummy cupcakes sounds absolutely delicious!!
    all of these pictures look like so much fun!
    xo TJ

  12. what an amazing weekend! i can't wait for gorgeous weather like that! your sister is a knock out by the way. you guys have some gooood genes!

    1. And she has my dream naturally wavy hair. It's straightened in the picture, but her hair is awesome either way. Thanks for the sweet compliment.

  13. Those cupcakes sound really good!
    Looks like you had a nice weekend!

  14. Those cupcakes look and sound like the BEST EVER! And I would totally LOVE to live on your blog. You could teach me thrifting. And then I could look cute. I currently wear yoga pants every day with a shirt that USED to be modest, but isn't now that I am breast feeding and well, the girls grew. AND GREW. So now I just look ridiculous at home.

    1. Thanks for the laugh, you are so funny. For the first couple of months after each baby I lived in this velvet leopard print robe that zipped all the way up for easy nursing. Glenn made me get rid of it after our last baby.

    2. Marivo- I had no idea I was so loved and funny!

      As great as the food was, the company was what truly made that afternoon so memorable. Thanks for thinking of us and handing out the invite. We had a blast.

      BTW- do you think the superman T-shirt makes my head look fat or is it all of the fat that is flanking my face that makes it so battle-gallactic??? Perhaps it's the upshot??? Or maybe the strawberries??? Oh Yeah- it's gotta be the strawberries. They never do me any justice. In fact, I gunna blend 'em...ALL of them...their whole family! I'll show those dirt-growers who's boss! Banzai!!!

      U r the best, Marivo. COOK ON!!!

  15. Live on your blog? I guess I could live there too. But I meant block. :)

  16. Mm.... those cupcakes look amazing and could the kids be any cuter? I wish we had little munchkins singing to us, mohawk or not! ; ) Enjoy the new BBQ. So many foods taste better grilled. Can't wait for it to warm up here so we can use ours (39 F today).

  17. One question........were the onion rings homeade or bought??? Just gotta know!!!

    1. Bought. We ate right after church, that's my excuse.

  18. I just want to come right over and hang out with you! (oh, and have a cupcake!) :) Looks like a great day!

  19. NEXT TIME INVITE ME, MARIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    And just so you know... I will take cupcakes via the mail, every day of the week. Tell your sister. And if it's easier you can just adopt me.

    1. EVERY time! You make me laugh every single time!

  20. Oh, those cupcakes! I am, quite literally, salivating! I had some great quinoa salad this weekend, too, with dried cranberries and slivered almonds. Oh, yum.

  21. Oh love all of the kiddos having a blast...and man do those cupcakes look delish! :)

  22. Please let Jeannette know that she is more than welcome in Minnesota with her coconut wonder-cupcakes whenever it is that she decides to grace us with her presence. Is this a recipe you can share on The Blog. I think I would love it 11/10.

    I haven't been terrifically in the mood for meat lately either. Like, I'll eat it (Example: Last night involved some steak at my parents' house), but mostly I've been craving other things. Go figure.

    1. I would love to share it, it's from a magazine so I'll have to borrow it from her.

  23. The cupcakes look wonderful and so does the quinoa salad! I love quinoa and should make it more often. Jason's cute, I'd let him move in. ;-)

  24. these pictures are amazing. I love love all the family love.

  25. We have a gas grill on our front deck, a charcoal grill and a smoker in the back yard - um, think we like to grill much?!

    Now I want brats. And burgers. And I do believe those cupcakes are insulin worthy!

    1. I know you like to grill cause I read your blog and you even grill in the snow!!!!

  26. Wow! Looks like the perfect day with even better friends/family and food! I would've been all over that quinoa salad. We have turned into quinoa junkies in this house. My girls wouldn't even touch chickpeas until I mixed it into a quinoa salad and now they are all over it!
    Those cupcakes...wish I could reach through the screen and help myself to one. I love coconut!!

    1. They cupcakes were utterly divine. Sadly my kids don't appreciate quinoa, hopefully in the future.

  27. Is quinao good?? I keep wanting to try it, but afraid my husband will throw a fit (haha, yes...he is picky).

    I much prefer a charcoal grill to a gas one. It is old school and delishhhhh.


    1. Quinoa is great and versatile just like rice. If you have a Grocery store that has bulk bins maybe you could just get a little to try, it is a little pricey.

  28. Thanks for making me hungry!

    All that food looks amazing.

    And we have a charcoal grill and LOVE it.

  29. I love seeing your family's pics. and then I miss my family and cousins back in India. Mimi may grow up not knowing her relatives. It saddens me.

    1. We lived here for almost 6 years just our little family, I do not take for granted having my parents and sister here, I LOVE it!

  30. Oh my those cupcakes sound divine. I love coconut.

  31. I love love reading your blog. It feels like we could be neighbors! I'd let your kids climb my fence anytime :)

    1. You wouldn't have to let them, they'd do it anyway. Our neighbors are actually kind of grouchy and mean to the kids, oh well.

  32. Looks like you had a lovely day! That quinoa salad looks fantastic, I think I'm actually more excited about it than the cupcakes - does that make me weird?!

    1. Yes!!! Just kidding, I really crave healthy food so I know exactly what you mean.

  33. Marie I love your Blog Spot, I love seeing you guys having fun,,,,find us a home in Temecula, we want in, You always make the clothes, the clothes do not make look beautiful.....Janet looks just as good as those cupcakes

    1. Oh I can't wait til' you guys are here. Temecula won't know what hit it.

  34. Oh My Gosh!!! I am dying over those cupcakes, they look divine!!! Coconut is the best!!!

  35. This looks like: good food, great company and lots of fun!! And now you want a roommate?! You are greedy! Haha! (just kidding;))

  36. This reminds me of the great grill outs and good times we have at my Nana and Grandaddy's house each summer. I can't wait for those to start back up!

    Yum, BBQ.


  37. Ok, I am so hungry now that I just read this lol!!!!

  38. Alhtough I am super de duper flattered that YOU deemed my cupcakes the best ever!, I have to disagree. My vote goes to your smore cupcakes.... can't wait till we meet again...



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