The Wallworks

Friday, February 22, 2013


1. Name & meaning?
- Ethan Glenn Wallwork.  Cause my parents named me it.

2. What's the best thing about being you?
- That I have a good family & I have a physical body.
3.What's great about being part of your family?
- My parents are always nice to me & my mom makes me food.

4. What's your favorite book?
- Illustrated Classics

5. You in 3 words.
- Honest, Loving, Nice.

6. Favorite Memory.
- When I was a baby doing funny stuff.
7. Favorite Quote.
- "When you don't succeed, try try again"

8. Proudest Achievement.
- Mostly getting 100% on my homework.

9. What's your favorite thing your mom makes?
- Peanut Butter & Bananas

10. What do you want to be when you grow up?
- A Police Man

11. What do you know for sure?
- That my mom loves me.

12. What do you look forward to?
- I look forward to having a good family and a good house and nice kids.

13.  What's the best thing about.......
Lila - She always says yes if I want to play with her.
Emry- She always makes crafts with me.
Mom in one word- Loving
Dad in one word- Playful

14.  What do you believe in?
- I believe in the Gospel and Church.

 15. Favorite saying.
- You can do it!


  1. Ok #11 stole my heart...what a sweet boy indeed. Funny that his favorite item you make is peanut butter and don't need fancy items the simple and delicious and at the top of most lists.

    You have a wonderful son and I hope he continues to stay that way.

    Have a great weekend Marie!

    1. The funny thing it was my go to after school snack too. I ate peanut butter and bananas like they were going out of style. I still love it.

  2. Aww he is such a sweetie!!! You done good, girl.

  3. *cracking up* this is sooo presh! :D


  4. I love the one where he said Lila will always say yes when I ask her to play with me - love it! Have a great weekend!

  5. Okay, I can't imagine Reece saying these things, yet he seems older than Ethan when were together. Funny. EThan is a gem. Really, all of you kids are. You're very blessed Marie. I like this idea of the interviews. I think I'll start doing it too. Great to look back on and see changes. KIrk and two oldest boys are off snow camping where they dig snow caves and sleep in them. Doesn't that sound fun!!!!!!!!!! Psyche. Boys are boys for sure. I'll be thinking of them in my warm bed tonight, snuggled up with the two older girls. :) Love you

    SHauna xo

    1. Expand on that, Reece would say wiser things or younger sounding answers. Cause from my perspective Reece seems twice as older as Ethan. Reece is one of your "big kids" while Ethan is "the baby". It will be fun to see them together this summer.

  6. this is SO cute!!! really really endearing :)

  7. My favourtie part is the description in three words. Adorable.

  8. He is such a stud! What a sweet kid! He must have a good momma!

  9. Can you please come give me parenting tutorials b/c your kids seem to have their heart and mind in the right place! Love it.

  10. I agree with Brittnie...I need some help in the parenting arena and you are spot on my friend. Your kids are amazing!

  11. What a sweet, sweet boy! His wife will appreciate a copy of this one day.

  12. Sorry, I meant I don't think Reece would come up with such wise thoughtful answers. And also the honey dew was already cut as left overs in the fridge. :)

  13. He sounds like the most positive, wonderful, sweet boy!

  14. my heart just swelled! that is too precious

  15. awww...its so amazing, and I love the #5...!!!!

  16. What a cute kid. I love his answer for #12.

  17. He's cute!! 6., 11. and 12. are my favorite answers. :)


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